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A class to gather information about a process, its threads and modules.
A small class to gather information about a Windows process, its threads and modules. It supports both x86 and x64. Gathering information from a x64 process of a WOW64 process works aswell.
It gathers information using NtQuerySystemInformation, NtQueryInformationProcess and NtQueryInformationThread.
Use SetProcess to specifie a process. The handle needs PROCESS_VM_READ | PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION_LIMITED access rights. It's recommended but not mandatory to call RefreshInformation when specifying a new process.
The following process related functions are available:
- GetPID
- GetPEB
- GetEntrypoint
- IsNative
- GetProcessInfo
Use FirstThread and NextThread to enumerate through all threads of the process. This works similar to Thread32First and Thread32Next. Alternatively use SetThread to specify a thread by its identifier.
The following thread related functions are available and will return information about the current thread:
- GetThreadState
- GetThreadStartAddress
- IsThreadWorkerThread
- IsThreadInAlertableState (this function doesn't support x64 to wow64)
- GetThreadInfo
GetLdrEntry returns a pointer to the LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY structure of the specified module in the PEB.