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Arduino-FreeRTOS-SAMD21 copied to clipboard

A port of FreeRTOS that runs on Arduino Samd21 boards

FreeRTOS V10.2.1 for Arduino Samd21 Boards

This library will allow you to create FreeRtos Projects in the arduino IDE and run them on your Samd21 boards.

Want FreeRtos for the Samd51? Use this other repository

Tested Boards:

Sparkfun Samd21 Mini Sparkfun Samd21 Dev Adafruit Feather M0 Atmel Xplained Samd21

Whats new in the recent versions?

  • Added and updated example projects with lessons learned to help you get started setting up a new project.
  • Added optional serial printing when the rtos fails, makes tracking down and diagnosing project problems easier.
  • Added example project demonstrating the most common rtos failures, and how you might detect them.

Optional Feature: Wrapped Memmory Functions.

This linker setting change will allow all microcontroller malloc/free/realloc/calloc operations to be managed by FreeRtos. This could eliminate memory corruption issues on c++ intensive projects, or projects that might be fragmenting the heap.

Implementation Guide can be found in: "wrapping memory functions\platform.local.txt"

Special thanks to these people for your help and guidance, reference material, and hard work on contributions.

Richard Barry, for creating FreeRtos and sharing it with the world