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Cant mock Protocol extensions with default parameters.
We have an autogenerated Network Stack. Cuckoo cannot mock protocol extensions that have functions with default parameters.
protocol ApolloNetworkService {
var apolloClient: ApolloClient { get }
func allClashesFeedQueryWatch(cachePolicy: CachePolicy) -> AnyPublisher<AllClashesFeedQueryModel, Error>
extension ApolloNetworkService {
func allClashesFeedQueryWatch( cachePolicy: CachePolicy = .returnCacheDataAndFetch ) -> AnyPublisher<AllClashesFeedQueryModel, Error> {
// this function cannot be mocked.
func test() {
let mockNetwork = MockApolloNetworkService()
stub(networkService) { stub in
when(allClashesFeedQueryWatch(cachePolicy: any())).thenReturn(Empty().eraseToAnyPublisher())
// This calls actual implementation
mockNetwork. allClashesFeedQueryWatch()
// this returns mock
mockNetwork. allClashesFeedQueryWatch(cachePolicy: .fromCache)
An interesting observation, thanks for reporting it! We should definitely add this case to the tests and fix it.
I have the same issue.
Any update on this? I'm currently facing the same limitation.