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Kubernetes course on Udemy from @BretFisher and @jpetazzo
Add lecture or new section for ingress classes. ## Ingress classes Ingresses can be implemented by different controllers, often with different configuration. Each Ingress should specify a class, a reference...
small typo on slide "Running Nginx on our cluster" from lecture [Deploying NGINX and Ingress Resources](https://www.udemy.com/course/kubernetesmastery/learn/lecture/18096453#overview). `deploy/nginx-ingress-controller` is now `deploy/ingress-nginx-controller`. - [x] PR to update slide command - [x] Edit...
Reported by Daniel: Ingress resource version has changed from `networking.k8s.io/v1beta1` to `networking.k8s.io/v1`and the YAML spec has changed a bit. Update files and video: ## Slides at https://slides.kubernetesmastery.com/#ingress - [x] `slides/k8s/ingress.md`...
In the lecture "[Server Dry Run](https://www.udemy.com/course/kubernetesmastery/learn/lecture/17071052#overview)", I use an older CLI option for dry running on the server. Deprecated in 1.18 [Original Q&A](https://www.udemy.com/course/kubernetesmastery/learn/#questions/17385516/)
An npm/node error is being thrown on startup which prevents the webui containier from starting in docker-compose; Step 46 in the [training](https://www.udemy.com/course/kubernetesmastery/learn/lecture/17070988#content) ``` webui_1 | /node_modules/redis/dist/index.js:27 webui_1 | ...bloom_1.default, webui_1...
Multiple lectures need to be replaced due to `kubectl run` only creating pods in version 1.18 and newer. All supported course distros have updated to at least 1.18. It's now...
Multiple slides and videos reference creating cronjobs from `kubectl run` commands. We need to update the slides, example commands, and corresponding videos. The correct command has changed from: `kubectl run...
In lectures "Creating a ConfigMap" and "Using a ConfigMap", we use a `haproxy.cfg` to proxy ibm.fr and google.com. It's become a fact of modern popular websites with things like CloudFlare...