typecatcher copied to clipboard
Grabs all the fonts from a Typekit and installs them.
Grabs all the fonts from a Typekit kit (which you own) and installs them to your computer. Note: this probably goes against the Typekit TOS.
You have a Typekit kit created and you've added the domain "localhost" to it.
Running the downloader
In order to download a TypeKit kit, run the following after cloning the repo:
ruby ~/path/to/repo/run.rb XXXXXXX
Where XXXXXXX is the 7 character Typekit code.
All fonts will be downloaded into the repo's fonts
folder, as well as being installed in your system's font directory.
Notes on hidden font files
The files in the /Library/Fonts
have the following hidden flag applied to them:
`chflags hidden /Library/Fonts/#{filename}.otf`
`chflags hidden /Library/Fonts/#{filename}.ttf`
So if you are looking for those files be aware that they are hidden.
The Future
Would like to make a OSX application which executes the same stuff that run.rb does. Make a simple github website for this project.