rpos copied to clipboard
video instruction for rpi3 please ???
i tried with raspberry pi 3 B with wifi/bluetooth running Stretch and it refuses to work. executed the last code: node rpos.js yields nothing. could someone please make a video? thanks!
Can you run node rpos.js and cit and paste the command line and any text or error message that is displayed please?
here are all the commands i used during install for rpi 3 running Stretch.
sudo raspi-config enable camera and reboot
sudo apt-get install npm
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo npm install -g npm@latest
sudo apt install git
git clone https://github.com/BreeeZe/rpos.git cd rpos npm install
npx gulp
sudo nano rposConfig.json set ip address to ip address of pi3 set user id set pw
rtsp port 8554
service port 8081
sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2 node rpos.js
rposConfig.json file
{ "NetworkAdapters" : ["awdl0","eth0", "wlan0", "en0"], "IpAddress" : "", "ServicePort" : 8081, "Username" : "admin", "Password" : "password", "RTSPAddress" : "", "//":"Normally left blank. Used to set RTSP Server Address", "RTSPPort" : 8554, "RTSPName" : "h264", "MulticastEnabled" : false, "RTSPMulticastName" : "h264m", "MulticastAddress" : "", "MulticastPort" : "10001", "RTSPServer" : 1, "RtspServerComment" : "## Select RTSP Server > 1:RPOS RTSP Server 2:V4L2 RTSP Server by mpromonet (auto
selected if M$ "PTZDriver" : "none", "PTZDriverComment": "## valid values are none,tenx,pelcod,visca and pan-tilt-hat", "PTZOutput" : "none", "PTZOutputComment": "## values are none (eg Tenx), serial and tcp", "PTZSerialPort" : "/dev/ttyUSB0", "PTZSerialPortSettings" : { "baudRate":2400, "dataBits":8, "parity":"none", "stopBits":1 }, "PTZOutputURL": "", "PTZCameraAddress": 1, "DeviceInformation" : { "Manufacturer" : "Raspberry Pi", "Model" : "2 B", "HardwareId" : "" }, "logLevel" : 3, "logLevelComment": "## LogLevels are > 1:Error 2:Warning 3:Info 4:Debug", "logSoapCalls" : false }
how do i get the error log you wanted? i am totally new with rpi
Hello, I know this is an old issue, but I am facing almost the same problem: https://github.com/BreeeZe/rpos/issues/106 any news or updtes that made it work?