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Unable to install rpos
I am attempting to install rpos on a Raspberry PI3 compute module. The OS on this module was updated to Buster and had a previous install of rpos that was working on Jesse.
Steps to Reproduce
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get upgrade
- sudo apt install nodejs npm
- sudo npm install -g n
- sudo n install 12
- git clone https://github.com/BreeeZe/rpos.git
- cd rpos
- npm install Here is the output I am seeing: npm ERR! Error while executing: npm ERR! /usr/bin/git ls-remote -h -t git://github.com/BreeeZe/node-soap.git npm ERR! npm ERR! fatal: remote error: npm ERR! The unauthenticated git protocol on port 9418 is no longer supported. npm ERR! Please see https://github.blog/2021-09-01-improving-git-protocol-security-github/ for more information. npm ERR! npm ERR! exited with error code: 128 npm WARN tar ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat '/home/pi/rpos/node_modules/.staging/typescript-0a2c1eea/lib/it'
I also verified that this issue occurs on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS npm ERR! Error while executing: npm ERR! /usr/bin/git ls-remote -h -t git://github.com/BreeeZe/node-soap.git npm ERR! npm ERR! fatal: remote error: npm ERR! The unauthenticated git protocol on port 9418 is no longer supported. npm ERR! Please see https://github.blog/2021-09-01-improving-git-protocol-security-github/ for more information. npm ERR! npm ERR! exited with error code: 128
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /home/jonathan/.npm/_logs/2022-04-12T21_53_50_440Z-debug.log
Any help on this would be great!
Jonathan L Clark
Just checked a few other things. It looks like the BreeeZe node-soap fork is broken. It no longer complies with github' standards as of 1/2022. If you go into the rpos directory and do a npm install soap It will fail. So this is a relatively new issue. I suspect that it can be resolved by modifying either the git or npm settings. It looks like the node-soap repository that BreeeZe was forked from still works and there was a recent commit that appears to have addressed this issue. https://github.com/vpulim/node-soap/commit/94fada0b0b56059c774bc312f662349f8652e6d2 But I'm getting a little out of my depth here.
Looks like the git:// protocol is no longer supported, I changed it to https:// and created a pull request (#136) for @RogerHardiman to look at
HEllo, I too had some issues while installing this newer version. I already have a 3b+ and two zero-s running RPOS. Since a couple of days I-ve been trying to set/up on a zero2. and have it finally sort/of running. I-ll describe my steps to success below>
Some of the steps in STEP 1 I actually did during the entire process but I guess they could just as well be in step 1. Out of the box lite install (A port of debian Bullseye without desktop - autoboot to console)
STEP 1 $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgrade $ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list add local mirror: http://raspbian.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/raspbian/raspbian/ $ sudo apt-get install libtool $ sudo apt-get install git $ sudo apt --fix-broken install now libuv1-dev should be installed STEP 2 $ sudo apt install nodejs npm $ sudo npm install -g n $ sudo n install 12 LOGOUT/LOGIN $ node -v v12.22.12 $ npm -v 6.14.16 STEP 3 $ git clone https://github.com/BreeeZe/rpos.git $ CD RPOS $ npm install STEP 4 $ npx gulp STEP 5 $ sudo apt install git gstreamer1.0-plugins-base $ sudo apt install git gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad $ sudo apt install git gstreamer1.0-plugins-good $ sudo apt install git gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly $ sudo apt install git gstreamer1.0-tools $ sudo apt install git libgstreamer1.0-dev $ sudo apt install git libgstreamer1.0-0-dbg $ sudo apt install git libgstreamer1.0-0 $ sudo apt install git libgstrtspserver-1.0.0 $ sudo apt install git libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev $ sudo apt install git gtk-doc-tools $ sudo apt install git gstreamer1.0-omx-rpi $ sudo apt install git gstreamer1.0-omx some of these give an error... $ sudo apt-get install python3-gi gir1.2-gst-plugins-base-1.0 gir1.2-gst-rtsp-server-1.0 here I had to specify python3 STEP 5.c.1b ~ $cd .. $ git clone https://github.com/thaytan/gst-rpicamsrc.git $ cd gst-rpicamsrc $ sudo apt-get install autoconf $ ./autogen.sh $ make $ sudo make install $ cd .. $ gst-inspect-1.0 rpicamsrc
This is how I could make RPOS work on my zero2. however, I must add that its still not running smooth, my older pi zero-s are both capable of 1080 x 1920 10fps without issues, but on this zero2 which is significantly more powerful even overclocked to 1300Mhz, 1280x720 2fps is already difficult. @BreeeZe @RogerHardiman would you have any idea why this lag?
I don't own a Pi Zero or a Zero 2 and never tried RPOS on these devices.
I would think the best RTSP stream is probably using mpromonet's RTSP server and not Gstreamer on the Zero / Zero 2
thanks a lot, I've never tried mpromonet actually I understood Gstreamer was suggested for use with usbcam. I'm installing it now....
Indeed, the pi reports: "Only Gstreamer RTSP is supported for USB camera video"
oh, I assumed you were using the Pi's camera. the mpromonet RTSP server needs a H264 v4l2 source, eg the Pi camera and hardware encoding, or one of the USB cameras that encodes to h264 in the camera (most return a YUV image or JPEG image over the USB bus). Although mpromonet may be able to use the JPEG streams now.
Now I know you are on a USB camera I expect the issue is the CPU time taken to receive the USB images and re-encode as H264. It may be worth seeing if you can stream JPEG from the USB camera and get gstreamer to stream the JPEG images over RTSP.
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try to figure it out.
Actually I'm using a 10€ UVC - HDMI->USB in combination with Tandberg / Cisco VISCA PTZ camera's.
I've got one of those USB HDMI capture devices for 10 bucks. I got one with HDMI passthrough so could intercept the image going to a HDMI monitor. Nice idea to use RPOS to turn your camera into an ONVIF device and/or RTSP device. I've done similar with some older Sony kit.
that was my idea as well, I have a whole bunch of those Tandberg TTC08 camera's and wanted to benefit the great optics and PTZ functionality. but only one is working on my Raspi3b+ running Jessie, but can't seem to get a proper videostream on my zero2 running bullseye.
do you have any luck getting a stable image from this HDMI source?
I use a USB HDMI adapter on a Pi4 (actually a Pi-400 running headless) which is on an older Jessie OS release (or maybe the Bullseye legacy release)
The HDMI image was fine. I just need to capture at a lower resolution (set via v4l2ctl I think) as grabbing at full resolution overloads the USB data bus and eats too much CPU reading the raw image in.
Success, I could manage to get a decent image STREAMING 1080p @2fps HDMI over usb In rposConfig.json set "RTSPServer" : 2, In camera .js,: disable the line that prevents from using MPromonet server ('yxzusbcam') (this.config.CameraType == 'usbcam') set resolution and framerate to 1920 x 1080
start the server and go!
it's not really stable, i do loose the signal from time to time... ..trying to figure out how to control v4l2...
that's great news
Thanks, I think so too ;D... It's all in camera.js I could enable verbose logging on the bottom and apparently the server still pushes 25fps while higher up, I requested only 2fps. setting -F 2 again helps. Now the stream is stable.
this.rtspServer = utils.spawn("v4l2rtspserver", ["-v", "-P", this.config.RTSPPort.toString(), "-u", this.config.RTSPName.toString(),"-F", "2", "-W", this.settings.resolution.Width.toString(), "-H", this.settings.resolution.Height.toString(), "-t", this.config.CameraType, "-d", (this.config.CameraDevice == "" ? "auto" : this.config.CameraDevice)]);