Brett Adams
Brett Adams
It would be a huge value to have the Fleet Telemetry server emit an event when a vehicle connects and disconnects, so that a third party service knows if a...
## Proposed change Based on feedback in this makes the COP temperature section more readable and smaller. ## Type of change - [ ] Dependency upgrade - [ ]...
## Proposed change Add climate platform to Tesla Fleet ## Type of change - [ ] Dependency upgrade - [ ] Bugfix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue) - [...
## Proposed change Currently if a user doesnt have the scope to make changes to the Climate entity it still shows the HVAC Modes since this cannot be removed with...
## Proposed change OAuth refresh token failures are not triggering reauth flow in Tesla Fleet Please hotfix/beta ## Type of change - [ ] Dependency upgrade - [x] Bugfix (non-breaking...
## Proposed change There appears to be an issue with the Tesla Fleet API where it occasionally does not include Wall Connector data in its API response. This makes the...
## Proposed change Add energy history coordinator and sensors ## Type of change - [ ] Dependency upgrade - [ ] Bugfix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue) - [...
## Proposed change Add button platform to Tesla Fleet ## Type of change - [ ] Dependency upgrade - [ ] Bugfix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue) - [...
## Proposed change Add lock platform to Tesla Fleet ## Type of change - [ ] Dependency upgrade - [ ] Bugfix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue) - [...
## Proposed change Teslemetry provides a Server Sent Events stream of both realtime and server-side polled data, which allows for multiple consumers of data without adding additional API calls. This...