iOS15-Bypass-Hello copied to clipboard
It doesn't generate activation files
It says generate success but doesn't actually generate. There are no activation files in the directory
Yes, and only on Mac and Linux. It works just fine on windows, but the files it generated can not activate the iPhone. You can manually copy and paste the commends to the terminal.
Didn't generate on windows and Mac. Tried on both. It only creates folder in the directory and nothing else.
make sure you have 64bit windows machine, and run gitBash as administrator, because the libimobileEXE it provided with, only works on 64bit_win :), or replace the folder with 32bit version :).
is it need change serial number first????
make sure you have 64bit windows machine, and run gitBash as administrator, because the libimobileEXE it provided with, only works on 64bit_win :), or replace the folder with 32bit version :).
"curl -s "$(Devi UniqueDeviceID)&bv=$(Devi BuildVersion)&dc=$(Devi DeviceClass)&dv=$(Devi DeviceVariant)&mn=$(Devi ModelNumber)&ot=$(Devi OSType)&pt=$(Devi ProductType)&pv=$(Devi ProductVersion)&rmn=$(Devi RegulatoryModelNumber)&ucid=$(Devi UniqueChipID)" --output C:\msys64\mingw64\bin\activation_record.plist" this command does not create activation_record.plist. Can you help me about this