Bastien Souchu
Bastien Souchu
Looks like big one off due to lag. Were there a lot of players ? I don't think that happens on a daily basis
Most probably unfixeable with the current move system
Looks funny to me ?
No but for real this smells like "ided pr". A pr that nerfs everything is a bad pr
Is this replicable ? We have this ghost item issue popping from time to time, are you sure that what you saw is linked with tacreload?
> > I dont think I like extinguishing > > It's not an immediate extinguishing currently, it's a low prob chance which means you can get lucky and the fire...
> any idea what can create these nests? or that still being brain stormed? Probably psy points
> Will they induce notable amounts of lag? It is just a minion
> Those are whole fucking ants man I thought it was gonna be like cute lil' mini benos They are cute shutup