dice-simulator copied to clipboard
A Python simple Dice Simulator just for fun
Dice Simulator 🎲
A Simple Python Dice Simulator 🧩 🎮
💭 Description:
That program make your RPG session more easy and simple. Roll the dice never been easier and fun.
____ _ ____ _ _ _
| _ \(_) ___ ___ / ___|(_)_ __ ___ _ _| | __ _| |_ ___ _ __
| | | | |/ __/ _ \ \___ \| | '_ ` _ \| | | | |/ _` | __/ _ \| '__|
| |_| | | (_| __/ ___) | | | | | | | |_| | | (_| | || (_) | |
|____/|_|\___\___| |____/|_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|\__,_|\__\___/|_|
🕹️ Usage:
On Terminal:
If you want to play this on a terminal, you need to run the program on your favorite terminal using VsCode or other source-code editor. Don't forget to verify that you have a Python interpreter installed on your machine. Then you just need to say yes and choose what die to you want to roll (D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20, D100). The result will show up
On the UI
If you want to play this using the UI made using PySimpleGUI, you have to install PySimpleGUI click here to Install. So after the installation, you need to run the program on your favorite terminal using VsCode or other source-code editor. Don't forget to verify that you have a Python interpreter installed on your machine. Then you just need to choose what die to you want to roll (D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20, D100), and press "Ok". The result will show up
⚈ Download:
Click Here to download.
💻 Tech Stack:
The following tools were used in the construction of the project:
©️ Copyrights
Licensed with MIT. This README.md was based on the README.md of CleoMenezes on the repo messageToCarbon. Therefore All rights reserved to CleoMenezes
LinkedIn Lauro Brant · GitHub BrantLauro · Twitter @BrantLauro · Instagram @brantlauro ·