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[NestCam]Failed to request access token. The username and password do not match
I’m unable to get the platform to load. I keep getting “[NestCam]Failed to request access token. The username and password do not match”
I’m running a Pi2. Node 7.9.0. I have the Homebridge-Nest platform already running successfully with a Thermostat, Protect, and Cams, but I’m only getting movement sensor notifications from the cameras. I’ve tried adding the additional HomeBridge-Nest-Cam Platform to the same config.json
"platforms" : [ { "platform" : "Nest", "code" : "A1B2C3D4", "clientSecret" : "a1B2c3d4e5f6g7h8", "clientId" : "1234a56-abc1-123a-abcd-a1b2c3d4", "token" : "c.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyz123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyz123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyz123456789" }, { "platform" : "Nest-cam", "username" : "[email protected]", "password" : "ABCD1234", "useOMX" : false } ]
Any help gratefully received.
Thanks Dan
Same problem here. Does it have anything to do with 2FA maybe?
I encountered this issue when the username and password supplied were incorrect to login to nest.com
Definitely not the case in my instance.
I noticed references to v1 of the Nest API and I'm using the newer version, so my best guess is that it's related to that.
I’ve switched to the primary home owner user credentials and now it works.
Odd. That's what I'm using, even turned off two-factor auth, same error.
Same issue. Username/password definitely match. Odd.
I had the same issue. Thankfully it was Homebridge instance that only had this plugin on it. I changed the bridge name and the username (MAC) in config.json, re-entered my nest credentials in config.json (even though everything was correct), then deleted the 'accessories' and 'persist' folder from .homebridge
After restarting homebridge everything worked as expected. Lost my HomeKit setup for the accessories obviously, but everything else seems to be working fine now.
I have the same issue but it only occurs when iam running homebridge as system service.
leoneleone ‘s suggestion worked for me. Of course I couldn’t stand having a different named homebridge or MAC after having it for so long, so after creating the new instance, I did the same thing and renamed it Homebrige.
EDIT: Just kidding, I don’t have an accessories or persist folder, but I’m still throwing the token error. I tried with and without 2FA, issue remains.
I'm still getting this error - any help would be greatly appreciated. I've even tried http instead: pi@raspberrypi:~ $ curl -X "POST" "https://home.nest.com/session" \
-H 'User-Agent: iPhone iPhone OS 11.0 Dropcam/5.14.0 com.nestlabs.jasper.release Darwin' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' \ --data-urlencode "[email protected]" \ --data-urlencode "password=PASSWORD"
--data-urlencode "password=PASSWcurl -X "POST" "https://home.nest.com/session" -H 'User-Agent: iPhone iPhone OS 11.0 Dropcam/5.14.0 com.nestlabs.jasper.release Darwin' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' --data-urlencode "[email protected]" \3"
{"error":"access_denied","error_description":"invalid user credentials","instance_id":"eb396a56-12d3-48ae-b9e1-7c4900425db6"}