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[WIP] [SDK-2323] Support Android Attribution Reporting API

Open nsingh-branch opened this issue 4 months ago • 1 comments


SDK-2323 -- SDK support for Attribution Reporting API


Added a new class to support the Android Attribution Reporting API. The file has two methods, one for checking if the measurement API is enabled in the app, and one for registering triggers. I've also made updates to the TestBed to enable the new API.

checkMeasurementApiStatus() check the Android SDK version and the checks the MEASUREMENT_API_STATE_ENABLED and saves it to a bool so it can be reused throughout the session.

registerTrigger() created a trigger URL using various device information and then registers it with the MeasurementManager().registerTrigger() method.

In Progress:

  • Testing
  • Confirming the fields and structure in registerTrigger
  • Understanding when and where the call registerTrigger throughout the SDK

Testing Instructions

Currently, sending a BranchEvent will call registerTrigger with the event name as the conversion ID. This will log out the generated trigger URL, if the measurement API is enabled.

Risk Assessment [MEDIUM]

Adds new code to frequently called areas of the SDK and references a new library.

  • [x] I, the PR creator, have tested — integration, unit, or otherwise — this code.

Reviewer Checklist (To be checked off by the reviewer only)

  • [ ] JIRA Ticket is referenced in PR title.
  • Correctness & Style
    • [ ] Conforms to AOSP Style Guides
    • [ ] Mission critical pieces are documented in code and out of code as needed.
  • [ ] Unit Tests reviewed and test issue sufficiently.
  • [ ] Functionality was reviewed in QA independently by another engineer on the team.

cc @BranchMetrics/saas-sdk-devs for visibility.

nsingh-branch avatar Apr 25 '24 19:04 nsingh-branch

Add link to automation PR when ready

gdeluna-branch avatar May 03 '24 08:05 gdeluna-branch

Can you change the PR branch base to point to the proper one? Right now it's comparing nidhi's changes to master

gdeluna-branch avatar May 10 '24 09:05 gdeluna-branch