@Alexander-Dubrawski : can you answer that? And have you worked with GDB/LLDB before?
Admittedly, I have never been using the server when the client was on another machine. Can you give us some more information? What are you doing, which queries, sample data...
What could also help is to build a `RelWithDebInfo` version of the server and execute it via `gdb/lldb` to get a stack trace of the crash.
Is it possible that the server machine is memory-limited? The fourth query (`select orders.o_shippriority, lineitem.l_orderkey from orders, lineitem where lineitem.l_orderkey
Closing for now. Feel free to reopen any time if you are having issues with Hyrise.
Cannot look into the code right now, but there might be cases where matches can come from other clusters (e.g., for `
Might it make sense to split such large matrixes and have a "light" version in hyriseTest and the full version (I think the ~20s for all joins right now are...
> When a `PartialHashIndex` is created using an empty list of chunks, this Impl cannot be created because the data type cannot be extracted from the given chunks. Can't we...
> Yes, but only if the PartialHashIndexImpl also gets a pointer (reference) to the referenced table. Right now, the constructor takes the following arguments: const std::vector& chunks_to_index, const ColumnID column_id...
We have been discussing hash indexes in the context of a master's thesis. Is there a reason to choose the `robin_map` over tessil's `sparse_map`? The author writes ( > For...