I have to postpone the information to end of January. Cannot access the test server right now and going on vacation for a week. Hope that still works for you.
Hey @louishust, can you tell me a little bit what you are planning to do? Do you have a script that connects via postgres to a database and issues TPC-H...
We extended the server to encode the data during TPC-H's data generation. Calling `./hyriseServer --benchmark_data TPCH:1000` will be sufficient then (and it's already now; no need to use the console)....
Just to keep you up to date: working on memory leaks. It's a bit more tricky than I thought.
I think it should be running now. Haven't seen any leaks. Testing large scale factors now. If you're still interested in testing Hyrise for SF 1000, I can post instructions...
I guess I have to give up for now. SF 1000 is running on Hyrise, but without reworking the aggregate we will not run on a 512 GB machine. Data...
The branch is: You can execute TPC-H SF 1000 the following way: `./cmake-build-release/hyriseBenchmarkTPCH -s 1000 --scheduler --data_preparation_cores 8 --encoding simple__LPCompressionSelection_3148260871.json` The configuration is required to reduce the data set...
Just by skipping over it, it seems like it's mainly two issues: * non-const ref parameters: I googled that a lot since I am a C++ newbie, but from my...
> * I disagree with runtime/references. Google seems to be overloading the pointer/reference semantics, and I am not quite sure why they are doing it. I think the stack overflow...
Can locally build with gcc9 but the CI fails. There is a very similar bug mentioned in Closing for now, might reopen in a few weeks, when Gtest has...