rpi_conky icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
rpi_conky copied to clipboard



Improved version of Novaspirit's conky script. Newer versions of Conky won't play the old configs due to syntax errors, so this script has been corrected.
Also, I (Botspot) have improved the colors, as the original colors did not look very good together. Screenshot below: screenshot

To Install:

sudo apt install -y conky
wget -O ~/.conkyrc https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Botspot/rpi_conky/master/conkyrc

To make it autostart on boot, create a file at ~/.config/autostart/conky.desktop and place this code into it:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=bash -c 'sleep 5;conky -q -d'
Comment=system monitoring tool.

To uninstall:

sudo apt purge conky
rm ~/.conkyrc ~/.config/autostart/conky.desktop

Note about the network readout:

By default, this conky configuration is hard-coded to use the eth0 network interface. If you are using WiFi, this needs changing before the network readout will work. In my Pi-Apps installation script, the .conkyrc file is edited if WiFi is detected.
The commands used to accomplish this is provided below, for your convenience:

#change eth0 to wlan0 in conky config if user is currently using WiFi
interface="$(ip addr | awk '/state UP/ {print $2}' | tr -d ':' | head -n 1)"
if [ ! -z "$interface" ];then
  sed -i "s/eth0/$interface/g" ~/.conkyrc

I suppose if you installed conky manually, you can run the above code in your terminal. (Or you could just edit the .conkyrc file.)