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The Pi-Apps version of GParted is outdated.
Cool ideas?
Installed applications from Buster to Bulllseye and needed to format the flash drive in exfat. If you install GParted from the raspberry repository, then:
- Buster version = 0.32.0 cannot do this;
- Bullseye version = 1.2.0 offers (displays in the menu, but gives an error), but cannot without its own package, need to search and install
The latest version is 1.4.0 Is it possible to get an up-to-date version for raspberry to make everything work?
pi-apps uses a "package" app for gparted. this means it comes directly from debian/raspbian repos. as you have seen, buster repos have 0.32.0 and bullseye has 1.2.0.
this isn't a pi-apps issue but more of a limitation of newer gparted not being brought to old debian repos. there is not a debianized version of gparted 1.4.0 available (1.3.0 is in sid already so it may be brought to buster/bullseye in the future)
It would be easy enough to switch the app type to a script-app, but we'd need to ensure that the majority of users would care about the new features in 1.4.0.
@Rak1ta Until this get resolved, you can install the exfat-utils package like this:
sudo apt install exfat-utils
GParted should work with exfat after that.
GParted should work with exfat after that.
only with bullseye. exfat partition creation was not supported until version 1.2.0 using exfatprogs. previous versions can only move exfat partitions
@Rak1ta Until this get resolved, you can install the exfat-utils package like this:
sudo apt install exfat-utils
Or, in the case of Ubuntu, sudo apt install exfatprogs
. Source
actually exfat-utils should not be used, that package does not contain exfatprogs on buster. just install exfatprogs if its available (bullseye and up, impish and up)
package_available exfatprogs
if [[ $? == "0" ]]; then
install_packages exfatprogs || error "Failed to install dependencies"
package_available exfatprogs if [[ $? == "0" ]]; then install_packages exfatprogs || error "Failed to install dependencies" fi
Is there a particular advantage to using $? I would have written it this way:
if package_available exfatprogs ; then
install_packages exfatprogs || error "Failed to install dependencies"
package_available exfatprogs if [[ $? == "0" ]]; then install_packages exfatprogs || error "Failed to install dependencies" fi
Is there a particular advantage to using $? I would have written it this way:
if package_available exfatprogs ; then install_packages exfatprogs || error "Failed to install dependencies" fi
there isn't any, its just the format I chose originally in other scripts and haven't changed. you can use whatever
@Botspot I tried and something happened. I'm sure the setup is wrong, but it works (i.e. it is possible).
Recommendation from the instructions and what was possible to put: g++, gettext, gnome-common, intltool, make, parted, yelp-tools It took to install: libparted-dev, libgtkmm-3.0-dev
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ git clone https://github.com/GNOME/gparted
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo mv ~/gparted /usr/local/
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo su
root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# cd /usr/local/gparted
(the instructions say to move to /usr/local)
autoreconf -i
intltoolize --force
make install
install -m 644 org.gnome.gparted.policy \
It worked for me on Debian 10 32bit, but there were errors in the process, which I solved by searching on Google (autoreconf -i, intltoolize --force)
Didn't work with exfatprogs. I already had an old version installed, but there is no such package from GitHub after installation according to the instructions But the version =1.1.3-1, intended for Bullseye, has earned {!} Some of your applications now require exfatprogs as a dependency
oh dear... @Rak1ta you got really lost with how to properly compile and install software from source (in general). you should be cloning to a user owned folder, building the sofware in that folder (autoreconf, configure, make, etc), and then installing that with sudo make install...
I will note this is even detailed in the readme for gparted https://github.com/GNOME/gparted
when they say
Briefly, build and install GParted into the default location of
/usr/local using:
they DON'T mean to move the source code to that directory (like you have done)
they DON'T mean
Google translate says it's required. >_<
What about exfatprogs? Is it acceptable to use deb from Bullseye?
Google translate says it's required. >_<
I am referring to your install (below) method, not exfatprogs... your method is very wrong and the instructions don't say to actually move it... sudo make install "moves" it
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ git clone https://github.com/GNOME/gparted pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo mv ~/gparted /usr/local/ pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo su root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# cd /usr/local/gparted root@raspberrypi:/usr/local/gparted# (the instructions say to move to /usr/local) autoreconf -i intltoolize --force ./configure make make install install -m 644 org.gnome.gparted.policy
@theofficialgman thanks It works
sudo apt install g++ gettext gnome-common intltool make parted yelp-tools libparted-dev libgtkmm-3.0-dev
wget https://github.com/GNOME/gparted/archive/refs/tags/GPARTED_1_4_0.zip
unzip GPARTED_1_4_0.zip
cd gparted-GPARTED_1_4_0
intltoolize --force
autoreconf -i
sudo checkinstall
sudo install -m 644 org.gnome.gparted.policy \
and exfatprogs=1.1.3-1 (from Bullseye version)
@Botspot Is it possible to add (it works for me on Buster) such variant (post above) of GParted to pi-apps?