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Midi player, can be run within terminal using timidity command or can be used via GUI
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I wouldn't suggest using the pacakge for timidity from debian. it is version 2.14 from 2012 (all debian versions). timidity has been abandoned but it at least has a 2.15 release in source code from 2018
although the debian maintainers have made some patches, so who knows which version is better
Could adding a script to download the 2.15 release from the sourceforge servers be an option?
And honestly, I don't really see what's wrong with 2.14
And honestly, I don't really see what's wrong with 2.14
I don't disagree. I just would rather issues be identified before using a very old version. If 2.14 works without major issues it can be used
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Simple and easy-to-use midi player.
To run: Menu -> Sound & Video ->
TiMidity++ Midi seqencer
Can convert midi files, play midis in archives, display spectrograms, and more.