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Can't flash after update to 1.5.1
Unfortunately I've updated my scooter to firmware v1.5.1 and now I can't flash custom firmware. Is there any plans for support of v1.5.1?
I got mine shipped with 1.5.1 Is anyone working on the problem?
Need to flash the BLE module with ST-Link -> https://t.me/XiaomiM365Hacking/28567
Where can I buy the ST-Link module? Is there any planning to solve this without ST-Link?
The other solution is to wait. There are good chances new signatures/keys used by BLE 0.8.1 will be decrypted. If BotoX is still in business at that time, you can expect a new version. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
And if you're patient enough (recommended), you wait for official release on Play Store.
The current version of M365downG in the Google Play store should be able to communicate with the bluetooth driver 081. Find and download the BLE072.BIN (bluetooth 072 driver) then flash it and you should be downgraded from 081 back to 072. That's it.
You are awesome guys! Works perfectly fine now :-)
Guys my scooter is the model 16133 European Black (2 Fuses).
Can I apply the BLE downgrade following the link?https://rollerplausch.fandom.com/wiki/Flashing_Firmware
Which model is your @guyromb ?
Thanks :D
Yes you can @fabioh, almost nobody has the Chinese old 1 fusion version. And those who have it, cannot flash cfw. You are fine, go for it.
Guys my scooter is the model 16133 European Black (2 Fuses).
Can I apply the BLE downgrade following the link?https://rollerplausch.fandom.com/wiki/Flashing_Firmware
Which model is your @guyromb ?
Thanks :D
What happened to the link? It's broken :/
Anyone saved the content that was on that page?
I need help here. Segway app updated my bluetooth mode to something => 081 and now i need to push scooter button to pair devices. Any idea how i can disable it? Want to downgrade back.
I need help here. Segway app updated my bluetooth mode to something => 081 and now i need to push scooter button to pair devices. Any idea how i can disable it? Want to downgrade back.
I finally found a working link here: https://rollerplausch.fandom.com/de/wiki/Firmware_flashen Here is the bluetooth bin: http://rollerplausch.com/dl/BLE072.bin Generate all kinds of FW (including stock): https://m365.botox.bz/
I had my firmware at 1.5.1, what I did (with M365downG):
- Downgrade bluetooth version
- Then I went from 1.5.1 ->1.4.3 (stock FW) -> 1.4.0 (stock FW) -> 1.3.8 CFW
update i figured out a program that flashed to 1.1.7 it was nine tool but now still no app will connect and flash my ninebot s