The quarz on the V1.6 BMS is 8MHz.
You can only run this BMS with 115200 baud if you use a 16 MHz quarz OR calibrate it with OSCCAL so that you can do 115200 baud with 8...
Have you tried connecting the battery ground to B-? I think it might be necessary. Also check with a Multimeter if the BQ76930 is getting power. Page 4: 6...
debug_print() ....
You should probably adjust your battery capacity then... This BMS firmware uses coulomb counting for capacity tracking. Which means it integrates/adds up/counts the current which is flowing through the BMS...
Your shunt resistor value could also be wrong. You can calibrate it using a known current through the BMS (charger with X Ampere for example or a programmable load with...
This has nothing to do with the BMS, you will get the same behavior when charging without a BMS. All the BMS can do is disconnect your battery if there...
By unplugging / replugging the balance connector your reset the MCU, thus the data got lost and also the issue you were having was fixed. It would've been interesting which...
I write the data every time the cycle counter is increased.
Could be fixed by the latest commit.