I just tried with this function (same as TransformImage_RGB32): ```c++ void TransformImage_MJPG( BYTE* aDest, LONG aDestStride, const BYTE* aSrc, LONG aSrcStride, DWORD aWidthInPixels, DWORD aHeightInPixels ) { MFCopyImage(aDest, aDestStride, aSrc,...
Thanks, I'm getting the MJPG data now, I can see it as noise in my opengl window. So I'm trying to use jpeg_decoder now, but I get: > panic occured:...
I figured out that some frames are all zeroes for some reason. Maybe only the first frame(s)? Anyway, I added a check for that so I skip those frames, and...
Isn't escapi running the the same thread as my decoder?
You were right! I shouldn't call `do_capture()` before reading the current frame. I got it working perfectly with this now: ```rust if { use std::slice; use jpeg_decoder::*; let data...
Btw, libdshowcapture doesn't seem very complicated: ``` does libdshowcapture convert MJPG into rgb? yes thx. btw, how to get the camera video with libdshowcapture? call setvideoconfig/setaudioconfig, connect filters and check...
@Shnatsel Thanks for the response :) I ended up using mozjpeg instead (at first), it was much faster. But in the end I then actually switched to using a [ffmpeg...
Yes, a higher level way to load and save animated GIFs (as a sequence of equally sized image buffers with their frame delays) would be very useful.
Any updates on this? :)
Right, it does support it but people who don't know about the specifics of the GIF format (e. g. that frames can have different sizes) and just want to load...