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Neumorphic components for Android

Neumorphism Android

Neumorphic components for Android. Supports different types of shapes and several neumorphic states. Elevation determines automatically by checking component parent views. Currently implemented:

  • NeumorphicFrameLayout

Gradle Dependency

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }

Add the dependency :

dependencies {
	implementation 'com.github.Borutsky:neumorphism-android:1.0.0-alpha01'


Parent of Neumorphic element should always contain android:clipChildren="false". It is required to avoid shadow to be clipped. Background of the window and all the Neumorphic components should have the same color. By respecting these advices you will be able to build a Neumorphic app with unified view of all elements.

NeumorphicFrameLayout Example:


NeumorphicFrameLayout Attributes:

"background_color" - background color
"corner_radius" - rectangle corner radius: dimension
"shape" - shape: rectangle or circle
"state" - neumorphic state: flat, convex, concave or pressed