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PyTorch code of "Modeling Continuous Stochastic Processes with Dynamic Normalizing Flows" (NeurIPS 2020)

Modeling Continuous Stochastic Process with Dynamic Normalizing Flow

Code for the paper

Ruizhi Deng, Bo Chang, Marcus Brubaker, Greg Mori, Andreas Lehrmann. "Modeling Continuous Stochastic Process with Dynamic Normalizing Flow" (2020) [arxiv]

Dependency installment

Install the dependencies in requirements.txt with

pip install -r requirements.txt -f

We use a new version of PyTorch (1.4.0) for the released code. The experiments in the paper use an older version of PyTorch, which could lead to slightly different results. Please read the PyTorch documentation for more information.


The code make uses of code from the following two projects: for the paper

Yulia Rubanova, Ricky Chen, David Duvenaud. "Latent ODEs for Irregularly-Sampled Time Series" (2019) [arxiv] for the paper

Will Grathwohl*, Ricky T. Q. Chen*, Jesse Bettencourt, Ilya Sutskever, David Duvenaud. "FFJORD: Free-form Continuous Dynamics for Scalable Reversible Generative Models." International Conference on Learning Representations (2019). [arxiv] [bibtex]

We make use the following files from the code of FFJORD: Free-form Continuous Dynamics for Scalable Reversible Generative Models:, lib/layers, lib/, lib/ We make changes to the file, lib/layers/, and lib/

We use lib/, lib/, lib/ from the code of Latent ODEs for Irregularly-Sampled Time Series. We make changes to the file lib/

Command for training the model

We train the models using $\lambda=2$

Training CTFP model on GBM Process

python --batch_size 100 --test_batch_size 100 --num_blocks 1 --save ctfp_gbm --log_freq 1 --num_workers 2 --layer_type concat --dims 32,64,64,32 --nonlinearity tanh --lr 5e-4 --num_epochs 100 --data_path data/gbm_2.pkl

Training latent CTFP model on GBM Process

python --batch_size 50 --test_batch_size 5 --num_blocks 1 --save latent_ctfp_gbm --log_freq 1 --num_workers 2 --layer_type concat --dims 32,64,64,32 --nonlinearity tanh --lr 5e-4 --num_epochs 100 --data_path data/gbm_2.pkl

Training CTFP model on OU Process

python --batch_size 100 --test_batch_size 100 --num_blocks 1 --save ctfp_ou --log_freq 1 --num_workers 2 --layer_type concat --dims 32,64,64,32 --nonlinearity tanh --lr 5e-4 --num_epochs 100 --data_path data/ou_2.pkl --activation identity

Training latent CTFP model on OU Process

python --batch_size 50 --test_batch_size 5 --num_blocks 1 --save latent_ctfp_ou --log_freq 1 --num_workers 2 --layer_type concat --dims 32,64,64,32 --nonlinearity tanh --lr 5e-4 --num_epochs 300 --data_path data/ou_2.pkl --activation identity --aggressive

Command for evaluating the code

We evaluate the models on data sampled by a observation process with $\lambda=2$

Evaluating CTFP model on GBM Process

python --test_batch_size 100 --num_blocks 1 --save ctfp_gbm --num_workers 2 --layer_type concat --dims 32,64,64,32 --nonlinearity tanh --lr 5e-4 --num_epochs 100 --resume experiments/ctfp_gbm/pretrained.pth --data_path data/gbm_2.pkl

Evaluating latent CTFP model on GBM Process

python --test_batch_size 5 --num_blocks 1 --save latent_ctfp_gbm --num_workers 2 --layer_type concat --dims 32,64,64,32 --nonlinearity tanh --lr 5e-4 --num_epochs 100 --data_path data/gbm_2.pkl --resume experiments/latent_ctfp_gbm/pretrained.pth

Evaluating CTFP model on OU Process

python --test_batch_size 100 --num_blocks 1 --save ctfp_ou --num_workers 2 --layer_type concat --dims 32,64,64,32 --nonlinearity tanh --data_path data/ou_2.pkl --activation identity --resume experiments/ctfp_ou/pretrained.pth

Evaluating latent CTFP model on OU Process

python --test_batch_size 5 --num_blocks 1 --save latent_ctfp_ou --num_workers 2 --layer_type concat --dims 32,64,64,32 --nonlinearity tanh --data_path data/ou_2.pkl --activation identity --resume experiments/latent_ctfp_ou/pretrained.pth

Performance Summary

Model GBM OU
CTFP 3.107 2.902
Latent CTFP 3.106 2.902

Download the data from this link for evaluating the models on GBM and OU data with $\lambda=20$ and training the models on mixture of OU data.