pion-browser icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pion-browser copied to clipboard


Open CaptainZidgel opened this issue 8 years ago • 13 comments

afaik there is no way to check history. also since it's hackable, maybe there should be an in-application way to change CSS so you don't need to go into the code.

CaptainZidgel avatar Nov 26 '15 19:11 CaptainZidgel

there is a way to inject css have you not got the latest pion?

jeandrek avatar Nov 26 '15 21:11 jeandrek

yeah, I have 1.2.0

CaptainZidgel avatar Nov 26 '15 23:11 CaptainZidgel

Dev Tools -> Inject CSS or something

jeandrek avatar Nov 27 '15 01:11 jeandrek

@JelloMonster118, do you mean Pion's CSS or the website's CSS?

BookOwl avatar Dec 02 '15 15:12 BookOwl

website's css.

CaptainZidgel avatar Dec 02 '15 17:12 CaptainZidgel

You can already do that

BookOwl avatar Dec 02 '15 18:12 BookOwl

this is about history, not injecting CSS I'm pretty sure

jeandrek avatar Dec 02 '15 22:12 jeandrek


BookOwl avatar Dec 03 '15 16:12 BookOwl

Maybe [webview#getWindowObj].history will help with this?

(Obviously webview#getWindowObj is pseudocode and would be replaced with the propler Electron code. :package:)

towerofnix avatar Dec 04 '15 22:12 towerofnix

@liam4 that pseudocode is confusing...
is webview#getWindowObj a CSS selector?

jeandrek avatar Dec 04 '15 22:12 jeandrek


it means the method called getWindowObj of webview

but if you prefer

webview.getWindowObj :package:

towerofnix avatar Dec 04 '15 22:12 towerofnix

oh ok
why the # though?

jeandrek avatar Dec 05 '15 02:12 jeandrek

Something to do with some old documentation format, or something. :package:

towerofnix avatar Dec 05 '15 10:12 towerofnix