wikiwhat icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
wikiwhat copied to clipboard

A wikipedia gem using the mediawiki API


A Ruby gem for extracting specific content from a Wikipedia article.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. Examples
  4. Contribute
  5. Team
  6. License


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

$ gem 'wikiwhat'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install wikiwhat


This gem makes use of Wikipedia, which is a Creative Commons resource. Please check out the Wikipedia Copyright page for licensing information.

#####To create a new Wikiwhat::Page object:

Each article to be queried should be set up as a new Wikiwhat::Page object. Queries are made via the Wikipedia API, which has limited redirect capabilities. Misspelled or ambiguious titles may return unexpected results.



pigeon ="Columba livia")
albert ="Albert Einstein")

#####Types of infomation available:

  • Paragraph(s) in an article
  • [All paragraphs under a specific header](#to get all the paragraphs under a specific header)
  • [A list of all image titles and corresponding URLs found in an article](#to get a list of all the images on a page, plus their urls)
  • The sidebar image
  • The sidebar image as a thumbnail
  • A list of all references found in an article

These methods must be done independently. We currently do not support setting multiple options at once in a single new Wikiwhat object. However, the indivudual methods can all be called on the same instance of Wikiwhat::Page.

#####To get the first several paragraphs in an article:

page ="<WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE TITLE>", :paragraphs => NUMBER)

You can also call .paragraphs directly on your Wikiwhat::Page object.


If no number is specified, .paragraphs defaults to 1 ie: the first paragraph on the page.

The paragraphs will be returned in an array with each paragraph as a String item in that array. The paragraphs are stored under the instance variable @paragraphs. Currently, the text will contain the HTML markup from the page. If more paragraphs than exist are requested, all paragraphs found on the page will be returned without errors.

Example 1:

pigeon ="Columba livia", :paragraphs => 2)

=> ["<p>The <b>Rock Dove</b> (<i>Columba livia</i>) or <b>Rock Pigeon</b> is a member of the bird family Columbidae (doves and pigeons). In common usage, this bird is often simply referred to as the \"pigeon\".</p>",
	"\n<p>The species includes the domestic pigeon (including the fancy pigeon), and escaped domestic pigeons have given rise to feral populations around the world.</p>"]

Example 2:

pigeon ="Columba livia")
=> ["<p>The <b>Rock Dove</b> (<i>Columba livia</i>) or <b>Rock Pigeon</b> is a member of the bird family Columbidae (doves and pigeons). In common usage, this bird is often simply referred to as the \"pigeon\".</p>"]

#####To get all the paragraphs under a specific header:

page ="<WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE TITLE>", :header => "<Header>")

You can also call .header directly on your Wikiwhat::Page object.


If you supply a header that is not found on the page, you will get a WikiwhatError, which is a sublcass of StandardError.

The section under the supplied Header will be returned as a String. The section is stored under the instance varaible @header. Currently, the text will contain HTML markup.

Example 1:

pigeon ="Columba livia", :header => "Description")

=> "\n\n<p>The adult of the nominate subspecies of the Rock Dove is 29 to 37 cm (11 to 15 in) long with a 62 to 72 cm (24 to 28 in) wingspan. Weight for wild or feral Rock Doves ranges from 238–380 g (8.4–13 oz), though . . ."

Example 2:

pigeon ="Columba livia")

=> 	"\n<p>With only its flying abilities protecting it from predation, rock pigeons are a favorite almost around the world for a wide range of raptorial birds. In fact, with feral pigeons existing in most every city in the world, they may form the majority of prey for several . . ."

#####To get a list of all the images on a page, plus their URLs:

page ="<WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE TITLE>", :img_list => true)

You can also call .image_list directly on your Wikiwhat::Page object.


This method will return a hash with two keys: urls and titles. Each key points to an array of strings. Currently, the Wikipedia logo image is included in the list. The hash is stored under the instance variable @image_list.

Example 1:

pigeon ="Columba livia", :img_list => true)

=> {:urls=>
    ["File:Blue Rock Pigeon (Columba livia) in Kolkata I IMG 9762.jpg",
     "File:Blue Rock Pigeon I4 IMG 3038.jpg",
     "File:Columba livia 1 day old.jpg",
     "File:Columba livia 22 days old.jpg",
     "File:Columba livia distribution map.png",
     "File:Columba livia nest 2 eggs.jpg",
     "File:Doves fighting.JPG",
     "File:Feral Rock Dove nest with chicks.jpg",
     "File:Fly June 2008-2.jpg",

Example 2:

pigeon ="Columba livia")

=> {:urls=>
     "", ...

#####To get the sidebar image:

page ="<WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE TITLE>", :sidebar_img => true)

You can also call .sidebar_image directly on your Wikiwhat::Page object.


This method returns the url of the sidebar image as a String. The url is stored under the instance variable @sidebar_img.

#####To get the sidebar image as a thumbnail:

page ="<WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE TITLE>", :sidebar_thumb => { :width => <WIDTH IN PX>} )


page ="<WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE TITLE>", :sidebar_thumb => { :height => <HEIGHT IN PX>} )

Specify height OR width, not both. The image url that is returned is not always exactly the dimensions specified.

You can also call '.sidebar_thumbnail' directly on your Wikiwhat::Page object.

page.sidebar_thumbnail( :height => <HEIGHT IN PX> )
page.sidebar_thumbnail( :width => <WIDTH IN PX> )

Example 1:

pigeon ="Columba livia", :sidebar_thumb => { :width => 250 })

=> #<Wikiwhat::Page:0x007fd10c3bdd98
      @title="Columba livia">

Example 2:

pigeon ="Columba livia")
pigeon.sidebar_thumbnail(:width => 250)

=> #<Wikiwhat::Page:0x007fd10c3bdd98
      @title="Columba livia">

#####To get a list of all the references on a page:

Here there be dragons. This method is a work in progress and only works on some pages.

page ="<WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE TITLE>", :refs => true)

You can also call .ref_list directly on your Wikiwhat::Page object.


This method will return an array. Each reference will be returned as a string nested inside another array. These strings will contain wiki markup. The array is stored under the instance varaible @ref_list.

Example 1:

albert ="Albert Einstein", :refs => true)

=> [
    ["Zahar, Élie (2001), ''Poincaré's Philosophy. From Conventionalism to Phenomenology'', Carus Publishing Company, [
   ["{{cite doi|10.1098/rsbm.1955.0005}}"],
   ["David Bodanis, ''E&nbsp;=&nbsp;mc<sup>2</sup>: A Biography of the World's Most Famous Equation'' (New York: Walker, 2000)."],
   ["{{cite web |url= |title=The Nobel Prize in Physics 1921 |accessdate=6 March 2007 |publisher=[[N
   ["[ WordNet for Einstein]."],
   ["{{cite web|url=|title=Frequently asked questions||accessdate=23 July 
   ["{{cite web|url=|title=Left Handed Einstein|publisher=Being Left|accessdate=23 July 201
   ["{{Citation |first=P. A. |last=Schilpp (Ed.) |title=Albert Einstein&nbsp;– Autobiographical Notes |pages=8–9 |publisher=[[Open Court Publishing Company]] 
   ["M. Talmey, ''The Relativity Theory Simplified and the Formative Period of its Inventor''. Falcon Press, 1932, pp. 161–164."], . . . ]


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Bonnie Mattson

Clare Glinka


Gem: MIT. Fly free, little birds!

Again, all content supplied by the use of this gem is supplied by Wikipedia. Please check out the Wikipedia Copyright page for licensing information.