Multitasking-Esp32-HTTP-FTP-Telnet-servers-for-Arduino copied to clipboard
ESP32 with HTTP server, Telnet server, file system, FTP server FTP client, SMTP client, cron daemon and user management
ESP32 with HTTP server, Telnet server, file system, FTP server FTP client, SMTP client, cron daemon and user management.
This template is a quick and easy way to build a nice user interface for an ESP32 project, without having to take care of all the switches, LED diodes, displays, etc.
You only have to modify the telnetCommandHandlerCallback function to build the Telnet user interface for your project.
You only have to modify the httpRequestHandler function to build the WEB user interface for your project. If you want a nice stylish look and feel there is also a FTP server built into the template so you can upload larger HTML files.
Dmesg message logging is built-in which can help you see what is going on at run-time and debug your project (accessible through Telnet server).
A Web-based Oscilloscope is already built-in which can help you see the signals on your Esp32 pins at run-time (accessible through Http server).
Demo ESP32 server is available at
The latest changes
The latest changes are support (this applies to built-in oscilloscope) for ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3 boards (most of ESP32 boards should also just work).
Fully multitasking HTTP server
HTTP server can handle HTTP requests in two different ways. As a programmed response to (for example REST) requests or by sending .html files from /var/www/html directory. Cookies and WebSockets are also supported to certain extent. Demo HTTP server is available at
HTTP server performance
Fully multitasking Telnet server
Telnet server can, similarly to HTTP server, handle commands in two different ways. As a programmed response to some commands or it can execute already built-in commands (like ls, ping, ...). There is also a very basic text-editor built in, mainly for editing small configuration files. Demo Telnet server is available at (login as root with default password rootpassword).
Fully multitasking FTP server
FTP server is needed for uploading configuration files, .html files, ... to ESP32 file system. Both active and passive modes are supported.
Time zones
All the time zones form can be used.
Simple key-value database
A simple key-value database is included for the purpose of managing (keeping) web session tokens. Other key-value databases can easily be added using the same technology, for different purposes (such as statistics of visited pages, etc).
Configuration files
/usr/share/zoneinfo - contains (POSIX) timezone information
/etc/passwd - contains users' accounts information
/etc/shadow - contains hashed users' passwords
/network/interfaces - contains WiFi STA(tion) configuration
/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf - contains WiFi STA(tion) credentials
/etc/dhcpcd.conf - contains WiFi A(ccess) P(oint) configuration
/etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf - contains WiFi A(ccess) P(oint) credentials
/etc/ntp.conf - contains NTP time servers names
/etc/crontab - contains scheduled tasks
/etc/mail/ - contains sendMail default settings
/etc/ftp/ - contains ftpPut and ftpGet default settings
Setup instructions
- Copy all files in this package into Esp32_web_ftp_telnet_server_template directory.
- Open Esp32_web_ftp_telnet_server_template.ino with Arduino IDE.
- modify (some or all) the default #definitions in Esp32_servers_config.h file (that will be later written to configuration files) before the sketch is run for the first time:
// include version_of_servers.h to include version information
#include "./servers/version_of_servers.h"
// include dmesg_functions.h which is useful for run-time debugging - for dmesg telnet command
#include "./servers/dmesg_functions.h"
// 1. TIME: #define which time settings, wil be used with time_functions.h - will be included later
// define which 3 NTP servers will be called to get current GMT (time) from
// this information will be written into /etc/ntp.conf file if file_system.h will be included
#define DEFAULT_NTP_SERVER_1 "" // <- replace with your information
#define DEFAULT_NTP_SERVER_2 "" // <- replace with your information
#define DEFAULT_NTP_SERVER_3 "" // <- replace with your information
// define time zone to calculate local time from GMT
#define TZ "CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3" // or select another (POSIX) time zones:
// 2. FILE SYSTEM: #define which file system you want to use
// the file system must correspond to Tools | Partition scheme setting: FAT for FAT partition scheme, LittleFS for SPIFFS partition scheme)
// 3. NETWORK: #define how ESP32 will use the network
// STA(tion)
// #define how ESP32 will connecto to WiFi router
// this information will be written into /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf file if file_system.h will be included
// if these #definitions are missing STAtion will not be set up
#define DEFAULT_STA_SSID "YOUR_STA_SSID" // <- replace with your information
#define DEFAULT_STA_PASSWORD "YOUR_STA_PASSWORD" // <- replace with your information
// the use of DHCP or static IP address wil be set in /network/interfaces if file_system.h will be included, the following is information needed for static IP configuration
// if these #definitions are missing DHCP will be assumed
// #define DEFAULT_STA_IP "" // <- replace with your information
// #define DEFAULT_STA_SUBNET_MASK "" // <- replace with your information
// #define DEFAULT_STA_GATEWAY "" // <- replace with your information
// #define DEFAULT_STA_DNS_1 "" // <- replace with your information
// #define DEFAULT_STA_DNS_2 "" // <- replace with your information
// A(ccess) P(oint)
// #define how ESP32 will set up its access point
// this information will be writte into /etc/dhcpcd.conf and /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf files if file_system.h will be included
// if these #definitions are missing Access Point will not be set up
// #define DEFAULT_AP_SSID HOSTNAME // <- replace with your information,
// #define DEFAULT_AP_PASSWORD "YOUR_AP_PASSWORD" // <- replace with your information, at least 8 characters
// #define DEFAULT_AP_IP "" // <- replace with your information
// #define DEFAULT_AP_SUBNET_MASK "" // <- replace with your information
// define the name Esp32 will use as its host name
#define HOSTNAME "MyEsp32Server" // <- replace with your information, max 32 bytes
#define MACHINETYPE "ESP32 Dev Module" // <- replace with your information, machine type, it is only used in uname telnet command
// 4. USERS: #define what kind of user management you want before #including user_management.h
// if UNIX_LIKE_USER_MANAGEMENT is selected you must also include file_system.h to be able to use /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files
#define DEFAULT_ROOT_PASSWORD "rootpassword" // <- replace with your information if UNIX_LIKE_USER_MANAGEMENT or HARDCODED_USER_MANAGEMENT are used
#define DEFAULT_WEBADMIN_PASSWORD "webadminpassword" // <- replace with your information if UNIX_LIKE_USER_MANAGEMENT is used
#define DEFAULT_USER_PASSWORD "changeimmediatelly" // <- replace with your information if UNIX_LIKE_USER_MANAGEMENT is used
// #include (or comment-out) the functionalities you want (or don't want) to use
#include "./servers/fileSystem.hpp"
#include "./servers/time_functions.h" // file_system.h is needed prior to #including time_functions.h if you want to store the default parameters
#include "./servers/network.h" // file_system.h is needed prior to #including network.h if you want to store the default parameters
#include "./servers/httpClient.h"
#include "./servers/ftpClient.h" // file_system.h is needed prior to #including ftpClient.h if you want to store the default parameters
#include "./servers/smtpClient.h" // file_system.h is needed prior to #including smtpClient.h if you want to store the default parameters
#include "./servers/userManagement.hpp" // file_system.h is needed prior to #including userManagement.hpp in case of UNIX_LIKE_USER_MANAGEMENT
#include "./servers/telnetServer.hpp" // needs almost all the above files for whole functionality, but can also work without them
#include "./servers/ftpServer.hpp" // file_system.h is also necessary to use ftpServer.h
#include "./servers/httpServer.hpp" // file_system.h is needed prior to #including httpServer.h if you want server also to serve .html and other files
Select one of SPIFFS partition schemas (Tool | Partition Scheme).
Compile the sketch and run it on your ESP32. Doing this the following will happen:
- ESP32 flash memory will be formatted with the LittleFs file system. FAT file system is supported as well. It is faster but uses (approximately 40 KB) more memory. WARNING: every information you have stored into ESP32's flash memory will be lost.
- Configuration files will be created with the default settings.
- Two users will be created: root with rootpassword and webadmin with webadminpassword.
At this point, you can already test if everything is going on as planned by http, FTP or telnet to your ESP32. Your ESP32 is already working as a server but there are a few minor things yet left to be done.
FTP (demo and example: index.html, ...) files from html directory to ESP32's /var/www/html/ directory.
Delete all the examples and functionalities that don't need and all the references to them in the code. They are included just to make the development easier for you.
Debugging the code
Telnet server provides Unix/Linux like dmesg circular message queue. You can monitor your ESP32 behaviour even when it is not connected to a computer with a USB cable. In your C++ code use dmesg () function to insert important messages about the state of your code into a circular queue. When you want to view it, connect to your ESP32 with Telnet client and type dmesg command.
Debugging the signals
ESP32 oscilloscope is a web-based application included in Esp32_web_ftp_telnet_server_template. It is accessible through a web browser once oscilloscope.html is uploaded to ESP32's /var/www/html directory.