Web3.swift copied to clipboard
method eth_sendTransaction does not exist/is not available error
In my Swift UI App i am trying to send transaction but everytime i get this error as:
method eth_sendTransaction does not exist/is not available error
Here is my code anippet:
let web3 = Web3(rpcURL: "https://ropsten.infura.io/v3/4cca371cb77c4935bdb1a1381b2ffbe2")
guard let walletAddress = getAddress(hex: session.walletInfo!.accounts[0]) else { return }
guard let contractAddress = getAddress(hex: Constants.contractAddress) else { return }
firstly {
web3.eth.getTransactionCount(address: walletAddress, block: .latest)
}.then { nonce in
return EthereumTransaction(nonce: nonce,
gasPrice: nil,
gas: nil,
from: walletAddress,
to: contractAddress,
value: try! EthereumQuantity.string("0x0"),
data: try! EthereumData.string(self.mintTransactionHash)).promise
}.then { tx in
web3.eth.sendTransaction(transaction: tx)
}.done { hash in
self.transactionHash = hash.hex()
self.isTransactionSend = true
Defaults[.transactionHash] = self.transactionHash
}.catch { error in
print("Transaction Failed:- \(error.localizedDescription)")
self.transactionFailed("Transaction Failed",false)
Same here
@nick70007 Did you find a soultion?