In 64-bit linux system, standart library path is /usr/lib64 and library placed correctly by installer, but installer incorrect configure tclreadlineInit.tcl script, which find library in /usr/lib. Correct way -...
Enable "~amd64" use flag for dev-lang/tcl: ``` # flaggie dev-lang/tcl +kw::~amd64 # grep -r dev-lang/tcl /etc/portage/ /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/custom:dev-lang/tcl ``` Reset "~amd64" use flag for dev-lang/tcl: ``` # flaggie dev-lang/tcl %kw::~amd64 #...
Example of the sticker on the RAM module: [example 1]( ``` SKhynix 8GB 1Rx8 PC4-2400T-SA1-11 CHINA HMA81GS6AFR8N-UH NO AC 1802 ``` [example 2]( ``` SAMSUNG W00000021502D163F9 2215 16GB 1Rx8 PC5-4800B-SA0-1010-XT...
mtr 0.95 Incorrect behaviour when network is changed. Environment: 1) network-manager program is used inside the Linux; 2) typical notebook with 1xEthernet and 1xWiFi interfaces; 3) Ethernet interface is off;...
Hi! My case: - DevBoard: STM32F4-DISCOVERY with STM32F407VG. - Dtmf_CallBack called from TIM5, which tacted witch "TIM Clock = SyctemCoreClock / APB1_Clock". - Decoder: Android application "DTMF Decoder" Situation...
I have authoritative DNS-server, which hosts only AAAA type records, not A. dnsmap scans only A type records. I want option, like "--type", which helps to scan AAAA records too....
I have remote DNS resolver, which hosts some domain zone "". I want scan al subdomains of "", by sending dns queries directly to custom resolver "", not to my...
I want a quick way to navigate to my node, represented on the map. Now, I can do it by copy my IP address from ygg interface (or "yggdrasilctl getself")...
"Search panel" placed at top-right of page. If I press to central node (bifrost), this panel show list of nodes, which connecteed to selected node. If nodes list more then...