arithmoi copied to clipboard
Investigate pollard's algorithm for factorising primes between 2^32 and 2^64
I just wrote a very simple naive Pollard rho algorithm for prime factorisation (not even Brent's improvement) and it turns out to beat arithmoi's factorise
function for composite numbers around 2^33, the difference in performance becomes even larger if I filter out composites whose smallest prime factor is at least 2^16. Here's my implementation and benchmark:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Main where
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Debug.Trace
import Gauge.Main
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes
-- trace = Debug.Trace.trace
trace _ x = x
pollard :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
pollard !n !c !x0 | isJust (isPrime n) = n
| otherwise = go x0 ((x0 * x0 + c) `rem` n)
go !x !y
| g == 1 = go ((x * x + c) `rem` n)
(let y' = (y * y + c) `rem` n in (y' * y' + c) `rem` n)
| otherwise = pollard' n c x0 g x y -- get the rare case out of the way
where g = gcd (x - y) n
{-# NOINLINE pollard' #-}
:: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
pollard' n c x0 g x y = if g == n
then pollard n c (x0 + 1)
-- pollard can return multiples of prime factors, so we fall back on trial division
else unPrime (fst (head (factorise g)))
composite :: Integer -> Maybe Integer
composite n = safeMinimum $ map (unPrime . fst) $ factorise n
safeMinimum :: Ord a => [a] -> Maybe a
safeMinimum [] = Nothing
safeMinimum xs = Just (minimum xs)
safeHead :: [a] -> Maybe a
safeHead (x : _) = Just x
safeHead _ = Nothing
main :: IO ()
main =
let cs =
{- this part filters composites with large prime factors
(\x -> composite x >>= \c -> if c < 2 ^16
then Nothing
else Just x
-}[2 ^ 33 .. 2 ^ 33 + 100000]
in do
print (length cs)
print -- to make sure my pollard function is correct
(take 10 $ mapMaybe
(\n -> if pollard n 1 2 `elem` map (unPrime . fst) (factorise n)
then Nothing
else Just (pollard n 1 2, map (unPrime . fst) (factorise n), n)
[ bench "pollard" $ nf (map (\n -> pollard n 1 2)) cs
, bench "arithmoi" $ nf (map (head . factorise)) cs
Results without filtering composites with large prime factors:
$ cabal run fast-factorisation -- -s
Up to date
benchmarking pollard ... took 12.05 s, total 56 iterations
pollard mean 218.3 ms ( +- 1.277 ms )
benchmarking arithmoi ... took 22.64 s, total 56 iterations
arithmoi mean 413.3 ms ( +- 11.14 ms )
Results with filtering:
$ cabal run fast-factorisation -- -s
Up to date
pollard mean 67.10 ms ( +- 2.051 ms )
benchmarking arithmoi ... took 19.48 s, total 56 iterations
arithmoi mean 360.2 ms ( +- 13.59 ms )
Nice! I was working on an overhaul of prime numbers and factorization, but unlikely to make much progress before finishing text-utf8
I totally understand, in the meantime I am doing some more experiments.