scraper copied to clipboard
Scrape Error
.igdl error : ScraperError: Cannot find execute code /js-response/(function(){ function del(){while(document.body.firstChild){document.body.removeChild(document.body.firstChild);}};
if(^|.|@)(||$/i) == -1) { alert('Please go to to get direct links'); del(); return; } function showResult(){ var success = false; try { var d = window.parent.document; if(d && d.getElementById) { var e = d.getElementById('sf_result'); if(e && e.innerHTML) { window.parent.sf.finishRequest(true);; e.innerHTML = ''; window.parent.sf.result.showEmptyResult({"html":"Something went wrong. Please try to reload the page or use another browser.","invalid_request":true,"resource":"","success":false,"source_url":""},false,true,false);; window.parent.sf.enableElement('sf_submit', true); success=true; } } } catch(err){} del(); if(!success) { var alt = ''; if(alt) alert(alt); } } showResult(); })();/js-response/
If this is bug pls report to
This bug has been fixed in
Try to use @bochilteam/scraper 5.0.1 version