Is there a solution to this issue??
How would I install this in an ionic project?
I would really love the perk xp bonus that you talk about. In what file do I put these changes? Do I have to compile a DLL or is it...
Wow awesome, thanks for the guide very helpful!
Ohh I like the double bandit max, that is useful. Thanks for the tips guys going to patch the dll now. So annoying how little exp you get for everything.
``` if (this.IsActive && this.HasPerk(DefaultPerks.Leadership.RaiseTheMeek)) { foreach (CharacterObject attackerTroop2 in from x in this.MemberRoster.Troops where x.Tier < 4 select x) { int troopPerksXp2 = Campaign.Current.Models.PartyTrainingModel.GetTroopPerksXp(DefaultPerks.Leadership.RaiseTheMeek); float bonusMultiplier = (float)Math.Max(Math.Log10((double)this.MemberRoster.Troops.Count()), 1.0);...
Ya I did that, but also wanted the stack bonus you did but for raise the meek. I got it working though :D As long as I ignore my profession...
So I ended up creating a custom wizard to get the variables I need to build the project correctly. Now I am running into two issues. 1. I cannot rename...
@RandomlyKnighted Ya I found a solution. Give me a day or so to dig up all the info it, it was a bit in depth. If you do not hear...
Ya right now I have a project that has similar requirements. I am trying to figure out how to tie into callkit with apps in the background that works with...