MowziesMobs copied to clipboard
[1.14.4/mowziesmobs-1.5.12] Config setting error-log are occured on my multiplay server
I installed your mod in my multiplay server and changed config setting some parts, but error is occured and auto-correcting every time some parts. It include no changed parts, and not include some changed parts (e.g. spawn_rate, generation_separation, and generation_distance are changed but not warning). All error log lines are begining from [modloading-worker-5/WARN] []: , and after warning are as bellow.
Configuration file C:\Minecraft_Server\config\mowziesmobs-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
Incorrect key general.freeze_blacklist was corrected from [mowziesmobs:frostmaw, minecraft:ender_dragon, minecraft:blaze, minecraft:magma_cube, minecraft:wither, blue_skies:armored_frost_spirit, blue_skies:frost_spirit, blue_skies:summoner, blue_skies:alchemist, fimbulwinter:sentinel, fimbulwinter:frozen_creeper, fimbulwinter:frozen_spider, fimbulwinter:frozen_zombie, golems:golem_ice, golems:golem_magma, moremobs:magmasnail, pandoras_creatures:hellhound, quark:foxhound] to [mowziesmobs:frostmaw, minecraft:enderdragon, minecraft:blaze, minecraft:magma_cube] Incorrect key tools_and_abilities.suns_blessing_attack_multiplier was corrected from 1.0 to 1.0 Incorrect key tools_and_abilities.geomancy_attack_multiplier was corrected from 1.0 to 1.0 Incorrect key tools_and_abilities.wrought_helm.armor_config.toughness was corrected from 0.0 to 0.0 Incorrect key tools_and_abilities.axe_of_a_thousand_metals.tool_config.attack_damage was corrected from 9.0 to 9.0 Incorrect key tools_and_abilities.axe_of_a_thousand_metals.tool_config.attack_speed was corrected from 0.9 to 0.9 Incorrect key tools_and_abilities.sol_visage.armor_config.toughness was corrected from 0.0 to 0.0 Incorrect key tools_and_abilities.ice_crystal.attack_multiplier was corrected from 1.0 to 1.0 Incorrect key tools_and_abilities.barakoa_mask.armor_config.toughness was corrected from 0.0 to 0.0 Incorrect key tools_and_abilities.barakoa_spear.tool_config.attack_damage was corrected from 5.0 to 5.0 Incorrect key tools_and_abilities.barakoa_spear.tool_config.attack_speed was corrected from 1.6 to 1.6 Incorrect key tools_and_abilities.naga_fang_dagger.tool_config.attack_damage was corrected from 3.0 to 3.0 Incorrect key tools_and_abilities.naga_fang_dagger.tool_config.attack_speed was corrected from 2.0 to 2.0 Incorrect key tools_and_abilities.naga_fang_dagger.bonus_damage was corrected from 3.0 to 3.0 Incorrect key tools_and_abilities.blowgun.attack_damage was corrected from 1.0 to 1.0 Incorrect key mobs.frostmaw.biome_config.biome_type was corrected from [COLD,!OCEAN,!RIVER,!BEACH] to [SNOWY,!OCEAN,!RIVER,!BEACH] Incorrect key mobs.frostmaw.generation_config.dimensions was corrected from [fimbulwinter:winterfall] to [minecraft:overworld] Incorrect key mobs.frostmaw.generation_config.height_max was corrected from 100.0 to 100.0 Incorrect key mobs.frostmaw.generation_config.height_min was corrected from 50.0 to 50.0 Incorrect key mobs.frostmaw.combat_config.health_multiplier was corrected from 1.0 to 1.0 Incorrect key mobs.frostmaw.combat_config.attack_multiplier was corrected from 1.0 to 1.0 Incorrect key mobs.barako.biome_config.biome_type was corrected from [SAVANNA] to [SAVANNA] Incorrect key mobs.barako.generation_config.dimensions was corrected from [gaiadimension:gaia] to [minecraft:overworld] Incorrect key mobs.barako.generation_config.height_max was corrected from 100.0 to 100.0 Incorrect key mobs.barako.generation_config.height_min was corrected from 50.0 to 50.0 Incorrect key mobs.barako.combat_config.health_multiplier was corrected from 3.0 to 1.0 Incorrect key mobs.barako.combat_config.attack_multiplier was corrected from 3.0 to 1.0 Incorrect key mobs.ferrous_wroughtnaut.biome_config.biome_type was corrected from [] to [] Incorrect key mobs.ferrous_wroughtnaut.generation_config.dimensions was corrected from [gaiadimension:gaia] to [minecraft:overworld] Incorrect key mobs.ferrous_wroughtnaut.generation_config.height_max was corrected from 55.0 to 55.0 Incorrect key mobs.ferrous_wroughtnaut.generation_config.height_min was corrected from 30.0 to 30.0 Incorrect key mobs.ferrous_wroughtnaut.combat_config.health_multiplier was corrected from 1.0 to 1.0 Incorrect key mobs.ferrous_wroughtnaut.combat_config.attack_multiplier was corrected from 1.0 to 1.0 Incorrect key mobs.grottol.biome_config.biome_type was corrected from [] to [] Incorrect key mobs.grottol.spawn_config.dimensions was corrected from [] to [minecraft:overworld] Incorrect key mobs.grottol.health_multiplier was corrected from 1.0 to 1.0 Incorrect key mobs.lantern.biome_config.biome_type was corrected from [] to [FOREST,MAGICAL,!SNOWY] Incorrect key mobs.lantern.biome_config.biome_whitelist was corrected from [] to [minecraft:dark_forest, minecraft:dark_forest_hills] Incorrect key mobs.lantern.spawn_config.dimensions was corrected from [] to [minecraft:overworld] Incorrect key mobs.lantern.spawn_config.allowed_blocks was corrected from [] to [grass_block, dark_oak_leaves, dark_oak_log, oak_leaves, oak_log, birch_leaves, birch_log] Incorrect key mobs.lantern.health_multiplier was corrected from 1.0 to 1.0 Incorrect key mobs.barakoa.biome_config.biome_type was corrected from [SAVANNA] to [SAVANNA] Incorrect key mobs.barakoa.spawn_config.dimensions was corrected from [gaiadimension:gaia] to [minecraft:overworld] Incorrect key mobs.barakoa.spawn_config.allowed_blocks was corrected from [] to [grass_block, sand] Incorrect key mobs.barakoa.combat_config.health_multiplier was corrected from 1.0 to 1.0 Incorrect key mobs.barakoa.combat_config.attack_multiplier was corrected from 1.0 to 1.0 Incorrect key mobs.naga.biome_config.biome_type was corrected from [] to [BEACH,MOUNTAIN, BEACH,HILLS] Incorrect key mobs.naga.biome_config.biome_whitelist was corrected from [] to [minecraft:stone_shore] Incorrect key mobs.naga.spawn_config.dimensions was corrected from [] to [minecraft:overworld] Incorrect key mobs.naga.spawn_config.allowed_blocks was corrected from [] to [grass_block, stone, sand] Incorrect key mobs.naga.combat_config.health_multiplier was corrected from 1.0 to 1.0 Incorrect key mobs.naga.combat_config.attack_multiplier was corrected from 1.0 to 1.0 Incorrect key mobs.foliaath.biome_config.biome_type was corrected from [JUNGLE] to [JUNGLE] Incorrect key mobs.foliaath.spawn_config.dimensions was corrected from [minecraft:overworld] to [minecraft:overworld] Incorrect key mobs.foliaath.spawn_config.allowed_blocks was corrected from [grass_block, podzol, jungle_leaves, oak_leaves, oak_log, jungle_log] to [grass_block, podzol, jungle_leaves, oak_leaves, oak_log, jungle_log]
It is not crash, so crash report is not generated. Is it bug, or my miss, or normal function?
My using system and mod list is as bellow. (Yesterday, this report is generated at Quark error with other reason.)
-- System Details -- Details: Minecraft Version: 1.14.4 Minecraft Version ID: 1.14.4 Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 1.8.0_281, Oracle Corporation Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation Memory: 1009106400 bytes (962 MB) / 2396520448 bytes (2285 MB) up to 3817865216 bytes (3641 MB) CPUs: 8 JVM Flags: 2 total; -Xms1024M -Xmx4096M ModLauncher: 4.1.0+62+5bfa59b ModLauncher launch target: fmlserver ModLauncher naming: srg ModLauncher services: /eventbus-1.0.0-service.jar eventbus PLUGINSERVICE /forge-1.14.4-28.2.23.jar object_holder_definalize PLUGINSERVICE /forge-1.14.4-28.2.23.jar runtime_enum_extender PLUGINSERVICE /accesstransformers-1.0.5-shadowed.jar accesstransformer PLUGINSERVICE /forge-1.14.4-28.2.23.jar capability_inject_definalize PLUGINSERVICE /forge-1.14.4-28.2.23.jar runtimedistcleaner PLUGINSERVICE /forge-1.14.4-28.2.23.jar fml TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE FML: 28.2 Forge: net.minecraftforge:28.2.23 FML Language Providers: [email protected] minecraft@1 Mod List: Cube++-1.1.4.jar Cube++ {[email protected] DONE} blue_skies-1.14.4-1.0.0.jar Blue Skies {[email protected] DONE} Variant16x-1.14.4-v0.17.1.4_beta.jar Variant16x {[email protected]_beta DONE} Wyrmroost-1.14.4-1.1.0.jar Wyrmroost {[email protected] DONE} AoV-1.14-0.13.4.jar Angel of Vengeance {[email protected] DONE} curiousshulkerboxes-FORGE-1.14.4- Curious Shulker Boxes {[email protected] DONE} SlashBlade-1.14-0.0.10.jar Slash Blade {[email protected] DONE} embellishcraft-bop-1.14.4-1.1.0.jar EmbellishCraft BoP Addon {[email protected] DONE} japaricraftmod-1.14.4-0.2.0.jar JapariCraftMod {[email protected] DONE} mcws-win-1.14.4-v1.0.2.jar Macaw's Windows {[email protected] DONE} ForgeEndertech-1.14.4- Forge Endertech {[email protected] DONE} Controlling-5.0.6.jar Controlling {[email protected] DONE} citadel-1.0.4-1.14.4.jar Citadel {[email protected] DONE} MutantBeasts-1.14.4-1.0.2.jar Mutant Beasts {[email protected] DONE} guardvillagers-1.14.4-1.0.5.jar Guard Villagers {[email protected] DONE} u_team_core-1.14.4- U Team Core {[email protected] DONE} customsignposts-1.14.4-1.0.0.jar Custom Signposts {[email protected] DONE} mcw-doors-1.0.2-mc1.14.4.jar Macaw's Doors {[email protected] DONE} Morpheus-1.14.4-4.2.44.jar Morpheus {morpheus@version DONE} MineTraps-1.14-(v.2.0.0pre2).jar MineTraps {[email protected] DONE} Hwyla-forge-1.10.6-B67_1.14.4.jar Waila {waila@version DONE} VTweaks-1.14.4-3.1.6.jar V-Tweaks {[email protected] DONE} ex_blades-1.0.jar SlashBlade Addon {[email protected] DONE} FpsReducer-mc1.14.4-1.15.jar FPS Reducer {[email protected] DONE} CarryOn+MC1.14.4+v1.12.4.jar Carry On {[email protected] DONE} JustEnoughResources-1.14.4- Just Enough Resources {[email protected] DONE} meshi-0.3.jar Meshi_Mod {[email protected] DONE} TOOLKIT-1.4.2.jar Tool Kit {[email protected] DONE} SimpleOres2-1.14.4- Simple Ores {[email protected] DONE} anviltweaks-1.4b.jar Anvil Tweaks {[email protected] DONE} mcw-bridges-1.0.5-mc1.14.4.jar Macaw's Bridges {[email protected] DONE} lizardmod-1.14.4-1.0.0-1.jar Lizard Mod {[email protected] DONE} crocmod-1.14.4-1.0.0-1.jar Crocodile Mod {[email protected] DONE} embellishcraft-1.14.4-1.5.0.jar EmbellishCraft {[email protected] DONE} BiomesOPlenty-1.14.4- Biomes O' Plenty {[email protected] DONE} Variant16x-BiomesOPlenty-1.14.4-v0.17.1.4_beta.jar Variant16x: Biomes O' Plenty {[email protected]_beta DONE} wandermaid-1.14.4-0.1.3.jar Wander Maid {[email protected] DONE} valhelsia_structures-14.0.4a.jar Valhelsia Structures {[email protected] DONE} mcw-fences-1.0.0-mc1.14.4.jar Macaw's Fences and Walls {[email protected] DONE} masonry-1.14.4-0.3.3.jar Masonry {masonry@NONE DONE} extcaves-1.5.jar Extended Caves {[email protected] DONE} gaiadimension-1.14.4-1.1.3.jar The Gaia Dimension {[email protected] DONE} curios-FORGE-1.14.4- Curios API {[email protected] DONE} AutoRegLib-1.4-35.jar AutoRegLib {[email protected] DONE} extlights-1.8.jar Extended Lights {[email protected] DONE} NoAiSpawnEggs-1.14.4-3.01.jar NoAiSpawnEggs {[email protected] DONE} worldedit-forge-mc1.14.4-7.0.1.jar WorldEdit {[email protected];61bc012 DONE} SpartanWeaponry-1.14.4-2.0.0-beta-3.jar Spartan Weaponry {[email protected] beta 3 DONE} wandering_trapper-1.14.4-0.1.2.jar Wandering Trapper {[email protected] DONE} interiormod-1.14.4-1.1.1.jar TheMCBrothers Interior Mod {[email protected] DONE} Aesthetics-1.14.4- Simple Ores: Aesthetics {[email protected] DONE} mountedpearl-1.14.4-1.0.0.jar Mounted Pearl Mod {[email protected] DONE} colorbricks-forge-1.14.4-1.1.1.jar ColorBricks Mod {[email protected] DONE} switchbow-1.6.jar Switch-Bow {[email protected] DONE} FastLeafDecay-v17.jar FastLeafDecay {fastleafdecay@v17 DONE} PrettyBeaches_1.14.4-3.0.7.jar Pretty Beaches {[email protected] DONE} corail_pillar-4.6.0-1.14.4.jar Corail Pillar {[email protected] DONE} SPG_MOD-1.14.4-1.2.4.jar SPG MOD {[email protected] DONE} SaveMyStronghold-1.14.4-1.0.1.jar Save My Stronghold! {[email protected] DONE} mowziesmobs-1.5.12.jar Mowzie's Mobs {[email protected] DONE} aerialaffinity-3.0a.jar Aerial Affinity {[email protected] DONE} AdFinders-1.14.4- Advanced Finders {[email protected] DONE} TrashSlot_1.14.4-10.4.8.jar TrashSlot {[email protected] DONE} torchslabmod-1.14.4_v1.5.jar Torch Slab Mod {[email protected] DONE} MCAdditions-1.2.0.jar MCA {[email protected] DONE} Bountiful+Baubles-1.14.4-0.0.4.jar Bountiful Baubles {bountifulbaubles@NONE DONE} AttributeFix-1.14.4-3.0.3.jar AttributeFix {[email protected] DONE} antiedragon-1.14.4-0.1.0.jar Anti Ender Dragon {[email protected] DONE} fimbulwinter-1.1.2.jar Fimbulwinter {[email protected] DONE} extraboats-1.2.6-1.14.4.jar Extra Boats {[email protected] DONE} good-nights-sleep-1.14.4-1.0.3.jar Good Night's Sleep {[email protected] DONE} SereneSeasons-1.14.4- Serene Seasons {[email protected] DONE} decorative_blocks_6b.jar Decorative Blocks {[email protected] DONE} corail_pillar_extension_biomesoplenty-4.2.1-1.14.4.jar Corail Pillar - Biomes O'Plenty Extension {[email protected] DONE} champions-FORGE-1.14.4-2.0-beta2.jar Champions {[email protected] ERROR} DungeonCrawl-1.14.4-1.6.3.jar Dungeon Crawl {[email protected] DONE} curioofundying-FORGE-1.14.4-2.0.1.jar Curio of Undying {[email protected] DONE} BadMobs-1.14.4-3.0.1.jar BadMobs {[email protected] DONE} additional_lights-1.14.4-1.2.0.jar Additional Lights {[email protected] DONE} environmentalcreepers-forge-1.14.4-1.6.0.jar Environmental Creepers {[email protected] DONE} Fusion-1.14.4- Fusion {[email protected] DONE} jei-1.14.4- Just Enough Items {[email protected] DONE} [1.14.4]+SuperHot+1.1.jar Super Hot {[email protected] DONE} forge-1.14.4-28.2.23-universal.jar Forge {[email protected] DONE} DramaticDoors-1.14.4-1.1.0.jar Dramatic Doors {[email protected] DONE} WailaHarvestability-mc1.14.4-1.1.12.jar Waila Harvestability {[email protected] DONE} Additional+Mobs+1.14.4.jar More Mobs {[email protected] DONE} Explorercraft-1.14.4-3.2.7.jar Explorercraft {[email protected] DONE} corail_pillar_extension_quark-4.0.0-1.14.4.jar Corail Pillar - Quark & Botania Extension {[email protected] DONE} ironchest-1.14.4-9.1.5.jar Iron Chests {[email protected] DONE} forge-1.14.4-28.2.23-server.jar Minecraft {[email protected] DONE} cofh_core-1.14.4-0.4.0b.jar CoFH Core {[email protected] DONE} ensorcellation-1.14.4-0.4.1b.jar Ensorcellation {[email protected] DONE} pandoras_creatures-1.14.4-0.13.1.jar Pandoras Creatures {[email protected] DONE} ToolBelt-1.14.4-1.12.5.jar Tool Belt {[email protected] DONE} useful_railroads-1.14.4- Useful Railroads {[email protected] DONE} nophantomnocry-1.14.4-1.0.jar NoPhantomNoCry {nophantomnocry@version DONE} towers_of_the_wild-1.14.4-1.2.0.jar Towers_Of_The_Wild {[email protected] DONE} astikorcarts-1.14.4-1.0.4.jar AstikorCarts {[email protected] DONE} paintings-1.14.4- Paintings ++ {[email protected] DONE} jeiintegration_1.14.4-2.0.0.jar JEI Integration {[email protected] DONE} extragolems-9.0.7.jar Extra Golems {[email protected] DONE} dimdungeons-1.07-forge-1.14.4.jar Dimensional Dungeons {[email protected] DONE} ffenchants-1.14.4-1.2.5.jar FlashFyre's Enchantments {[email protected] DONE} SpartanShields-1.14.4-2.1.0.jar Spartan Shields {[email protected] DONE} Quark-r2.0-212.jar Quark {[email protected] ERROR} Xaeros_Minimap_21.7.0_Forge_1.14.4.jar Xaero's Minimap {[email protected] DONE} FTBUtilitiesBackups- FTB Utilities: Backups {[email protected] DONE} placeableitems-4.1.1.jar Placeable Items {[email protected] DONE} sit-1.14.4-v1.3.jar Sit {[email protected] DONE} performant-1.14.4-1.5.jar Performant {[email protected] DONE} DoubleSlabs-1.14-1.8.1.jar Double Slabs {[email protected] DONE} themidnight-0.4.7.jar The Midnight {[email protected] DONE} hunterillager-1.14.4-0.4.1.jar HunterIllager {[email protected] DONE} nifty-1.14.4-2.8.jar Nifty {[email protected] DONE} guardscraft-1.14.4_1.0.5.jar GuardsCraft {[email protected] DONE} RingOfAttraction-1.14.4-1.0.20.jar Ring of Attraction {[email protected] DONE} NBTEdit-0.8.2.jar NBTEdit {[email protected] DONE} OnlySilver-1.14.4-2.9.0-final.1.jar Zot's Only Silver {[email protected] DONE} FriendlyFire-1.14.4-3.0.2.jar FriendlyFire {[email protected] DONE} UtilityWorlds-1.14.4_1.1.0.jar Utility Worlds {[email protected] DONE} CosmeticArmorReworked-1.14.4-v3.jar CosmeticArmorReworked {[email protected] DONE} FutureVersions+v2.0.jar Future Versions {[email protected] DONE} Data Packs: Is Modded: Definitely; Server brand changed to 'forge' Type: Dedicated Server (map_server.txt)
Update to Mowzie's Mobs 1.5.16
Oh you're on 1.14. Yeah this was fixed for 1.16 but I didn't port it back.
As it was, I understand. If you will fix it, I am very glad.