Results 36 comments of Callan McGill

@nomeata Your suspicion was correct, if we use lookup on lots of near-misses then the new version is faster.

@sjakobi When making these changes it would be nice to know how it impacts GHC as a real-world consumer of IntMap, do you have any advice on how to do...

Ben Gamari gave me some ideas for what to do in order to measure a cabal build, just waiting on GHC to re-build.

I'm happy to make a PR for this but I'd be curious what we do with the line in question: ```haskell AlexError ((AlexPn _ line column),_,_,_) -> alexError $ "lexical...

@andreasabel I'll start having a look in the next couple of weeks!

I think rewrite rules are a horrible way to produce efficient code but they are what is currently used in haskell so I don't see why this issue should be...

It looks like these unicode characters are variable width in different fonts so I might have to re-think the diagrams (which I do think are valuable once you have higher...

@JacquesCarette Thanks for the review, I'll make these changes shortly.

@JacquesCarette Apologies for the huge delay, life got in the way. I have made the changes you suggested and updated the name to `FrameEquality`. Let me know if there are...

@JacquesCarette Sorry for the delay, I'll be happy to get this finished soon (give me a week or so as I have a current knee injury which makes too much...