I changed D:/flutter_windows/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ line 211 from **border: _color == Theme.of(context).cardColor** to **border: _currentShading != _color** and line 213 from **: null,** to **: Border.all(color:, width: 5.0),** This solves the...
@rlfolden There is a new version of the plugin - 4.0.0. I haven't tried it. Have you?
The medipipe/examples/objectdetection app also crashes when run on an emulator with API > 30. It seems that x86 images are OK, but x86_64 images are not. Then this app crashes...
I downloaded your sample program medipipe/examples/objectdetection and made only two small changes, to app build.gradle: - implementation '' - compileSdkVersion 34 to compileSdk 34 (since compileSdkVersion is deprecated) and ran...
If I look at the APK file, both debug and release, there is a for x86, arm64-v8a, and arme-abiv7a, **but not for x86_64**. Have you for some reason not...
f I look at the APK file, both debug and release, there is a for x86, arm64-v8a, and arme-abiv7a, **but not for x86_64**. Have you for some reason not...
@schmidt-sebastian When can you look at this?
I agree that testing ML apps in an emulator has its problems. For example, to test your Object Detection sample program, one has to use Extended Controls to mount an...
No, they are not related at all. This one was tested on a real device. 5134 is about problems running on an emulator.
I updated to implementation '' but it made no difference. Still exactly the same crash unless I have -keep class** {*;} in Tested on a Samsung Galaxy S10e....