What are you talking about lol, funny. It is click type, not click action. And click types and inventory actions aren't the same thing. You can return a specified thing...
@TheLimeGlass Good luck with detecting left clicking on blocks using the damage event. Who talks about middle clicks in this *request*?
Go on detecting left clicking to air. First, learn what is Skript, then try to close my issues. Nobody is going to use `on block damage` or `on damage` to...
So what syntax should be used to implement this feature? I thought about the `hand` expression but it is totally a different thing: [PlayerInteractEvent.html#getHand](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerInteractEvent.html#getHand--) and you wouldn't call the used...
Hey, the [FEX](https://github.com/FEX-Emu/FEX) emulator seems to work pretty well with BepInEx. Hopefully not too bad performance. See [this Gist comment](https://gist.github.com/husjon/c5225997eb9798d38db9f2fca98891ef?permalink_comment_id=4954217#gistcomment-4954217) for details. I guess the issue is in box64 in...
You had an invisible character right after `getTotalExperience` xD be careful when copying methods from javadocs. Normally i notice them in console but the console your are using supports them....
Hey, the [FEX](https://github.com/FEX-Emu/FEX) emulator seems to work pretty well with BepInEx. Hopefully not too bad performance. See [this Gist comment](https://gist.github.com/husjon/c5225997eb9798d38db9f2fca98891ef?permalink_comment_id=4954217#gistcomment-4954217) for details. I guess the issue is in box64 in...