WorkItemUpdater copied to clipboard
Source code for the VSTS WorkItemUpdater build task
WorkItem Updater
The WorkItem Updater task can update workitems using a Query and/or that are linked to the Build/Release.
The following workitem fields can be updated:
- Update the state for workitems.
- Update the assignee for workitems.
- Update the swimlane or board-column for workitems.
- Add the build as Development Link to the workitems.
By adding this task to specific milestones in a build/release pipeline, you can create an automated kanban board.
An example would be to set the state to 'Resolved' as the last step of a build and to 'Deployed' as the last step of a release.
With this task the state of workitems is always reflecting reality and developers don't need to manually update workitems anymore.
A preview of what the task can do, can be seen in this recording:
Name | Label | Description | Options | Visible |
workitemsSource | WorkItem source | The source of the workitems to update. |
workitemsSourceQuery | Query | The query to use as the workitem source. | workitemsSource == Query or workitemsSource == BuildAndQuery | |
workItemType | WorkItem Type | The type of workitems to update, e.g. User Story, Task or Bug. You can use a comma-separated string to supply multiple values. | ||
workitemLimit | WorkItem Limit | The number of workitems to update. Defaults to 50. | ||
allWorkItemsSinceLastRelease | Include workitems since previously completed deployment | While deploying a release to an environment, update all workitems since the previously completed deployment. | ||
workItemState | WorkItem State | The state to update the workitems to | ||
workItemCurrentState | Filter by WorkItem Current State | If defined, only update workitems that currently have this state. Leave empty to update from any state. Separate different valid states with ',' | ||
workItemKanbanLane | Board Swimlane | If defined, the board Swimlane to update the workitems to. | ||
workItemKanbanState | Board column | If defined, the board column to update the workitems to. | ||
workItemDone | Move to board column Done | Move the workitem to the board column 'Done' for split board columns. | ||
linkBuild | Add Build as Development link | Add the build as a Development link to the WorkItem. | ||
updateAssignedTo | Update 'Assigned To' | Update the 'Assigned To' field of the workitem. |
updateAssignedToWith | Update 'Assigned To' with | Update the 'Assigned To' field of the workitem with a specific user. |
updateAssignedTo != Never |
assignedTo | Assign to | The user to assign the workitem to. | updateAssignedTo != Never && updateAssignedToWith = FixedUser | |
bypassRules | Bypass rules | Bypass the rules that have been configured for the workitem type. | ||
failTaskIfNoWorkItemsAvailable | Fail the task when there are no workitems | If there are no workitems found to update, the task will fail. | ||
comment | Comments to add | A comment to add to every work item that is updated | ||
updateFields | Fields to update | List of fields and values to update. Place each field on a new line and separate the fieldname and value with a comma. Fieldnames can be found using: Work Item Types Field - List As an example: System.Description,This is a test description Custom.TestField,True |
addTags | Tags to add | Tags to assign to the workitem. Enter a tag per line. | ||
removeTags | Tags to remove | Tags to remove from the workitem. Enter a tag per line. |