GT5-Unofficial copied to clipboard
Bug with written book for Assembly line receptions.
At the time when we receive a book with a recipe it is difficult to understand what kind of material is needed.
I'm think problem here:
and this books have bad format, 1 ingredient on 1 page.
~~can close this. solved.~~
after update from 05.09.32.pre2 to 05.09.32pre3 into config add new flag UsePlaceholderForMaterialNamesInLangFile=true, and first initialization give this:
second reload — it's all normal.
No. For single world - it's ok. For server world - wrong name material.
can confirm recipes broken on server worlds
@NNM42 there is a block in Tech Tec make it readable on Servers too.
ok. thx, @Dream-Master.
I fixed this bug 2 years ago. Why is it here again?
i did a stupid workaround for this issure for GT:NH, maybe any dev here wanna adopt it ( )
@bartimaeusnek I did it much more cleanly without duplicating whole assline class for server-side:
@leagris i tried your patch on our repo, it didnt worked, thats why i did this server-sided sollution.