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Spotbit for noobs
I'd like to add a guide / readme specifically for newbies. The first questions that came up when studying the are down below. Mind you, the two bold ones are questions that I have too :). I would like to use Spotbit test server and have no clue where to begin from the description that is currently provided.
The format is: {a citation from the text} -> {noob question}
I could try and answer the normal text (not bold) myself, but I sure need guidance with / answers to the bold questions.
Spotbit Noob questions:
It works particularly well with the Gordian system -> HOW does it work with the Gordian system?
Alternatively, you can use our test server -> where is the step by step to get it going, what do I need to do?
Do I need to install Spotbit locally to be able to use the testservers? Do I need an internet connection? What else do I need?
It should not be used for production tasks -> for which tasks can it be used today?
My favourite: What problem does Spotbit solve? “Spotbit was inspired by the need of Fully Noded 2 to display realtime price info in-app” -> oh nice, but why should I care?
——— First, the script checks if Python3.8 -> How can I check which python version I have?
The install script will set up a hidden service for you -> what is a hidden service and why do I need it, I just want average bitcoin prices realtime, no creepy sh.t.
Use / Running
—— Spotbit will then start making http GET requests -> what is it + why?
The Flask server runs over port 5000. The following API routes can be used via that port: -> **Where do I need to type in 5000 and how to use the API **(+ what is API)? /status -> where do I type this in? Terminal, Browser?
—— historyEnd ◦ A millisecond timestamp -> what is this and how can I create one from a normal date + time?
Exchanges …
— For each of the listed fiat currencies -> what is fiat?
—— What is PIP, Flask and CCXT? Don’t want this stuff on my computer if I don’t understand what it is from one clear sentence.