DoggoBot copied to clipboard
A cool multi purpose discord bot with commands for Fun, Moderation, Utility, Image and Animals !!
A cool multi purpose discord bot with commands for Fun, Moderation, Utility, Image and Animals also with owner only commands !! and also make sure you Star
the repo too :D
Add It | Join Our Discord | Vote
How to setup
Creating a Bot and adding to your server
◙ Go to Discord Developer Portal
by clicking here
◙ Click on to New Application
and then name your application
◙ Selct the application you will see bot just under OAuth2
select that
◙ Press Add Bot
◙ Then go to OAuth2
to get the bot's invite link
◙ Under scopes you'll see bot click that and under you see Bot Permissions
select the permissions
◙ Copy the invite link which is generated on the Scopes
◙ Go to bot tab then you'll see TOKEN
click copy
◙ Make sure you turn on both the intends in your you'll find that in that bot category !!
And now you got the token !!!
Make a .env
file and then:
TOKEN=Replace with your bot's token that I just explained how to obtain
YT_KEY=YouTube API Key for Youtube Command
IMBD_KEY=IMBD api key for the Movie Command
GOOGLE_KEY=The Goole api search engine key for Google Command
ENGINE_ID=The search engine ID for Google Command
can be obtained from here, YT_KEY
from here and IMDB_KEY
from here
Do not put any commas or anything on .env
file's value !!
Go to config.json
and then:
"Prefix": "The prefix that you need for your bot",
"Owner": "You ID",
"Invite": "You bot's invite link that we just explained how to obtain",
"Server": "Your bot's support server"
Channel Setup
go to channels.json
"ServerLogs": "ID of channel that you wann receive the bot's server logs",
"Feeback": "ID of the channel that you wanna get the feedback of the bot",
"Report": "Id of the channel that you wanna get the reports of the bot",
"Suggestion": "ID of the channel that you wanna get the suggestions of the bot"
If you need to change the emojis go to emoji.json
and change it I recommend the value to be same as it is
Starting the Bot
Things that are required
◙ Then first to install the packages open a terminal in visual studio code type npm install
◙ Then after the packages and intalled and things are been configured in the config.json
◙ Go to the terminal type node index.js
◙ After a few seconds (well maybe more all according to you network) you'll see <your bot's user> is now connected to Discord
And that's for the self hosting
Name | Description | Usgae | Example | Aliases |
Ban | Bans a user from the server | !!ban [Mention or ID] [Reason] | !!ban @Blobby Being too cool | - |
Kick | Kicks a user from the server | !!kick [Mention or ID] [Reason] | !!kick @Blobby Rude | - |
Forceban | Bans a user outside the guild and prevent from joining | !!forceban [User ID] [Reason] | !!forceban 484892489332430 nothing | hackban, ipban |
Slowmode | Sets the slowmode to your own wish | !!slowmode [number] | !!slowmode 69 | slow |
Unban | Unbans the user from the banned list | !!unban [User ID] [Reason] | !!unban 43894434893849 Nothing | - |
Clear | Clear the provided amount of messages but the amount should not go above 100 | !!clear [Anount] | !!clear 69 | - |
Addrole | Adds role to a user with the provided role mention or ID | !!addrole [User] [Role] | !!addrole @Blobby @Mod | giverole, ar |
Removerole | Removes role from a user with the provided role mention or ID | !!removerole [User] [Role] | !!removerole @Blobby @Mod | takerole |
Nickname | Changes the nickname of the user with the prvided nickname | !!nickname [User] [nickname but if the nickname has space in between use ""] | !!nickname @DBlobby Blob | nick |
Name | Description | Usage | Example | Aliases |
8ball | Bot answers the question you ask for | !!8ball [Question] | !!8ball Is Doggo cool ? | - |
Ascii | Converts texts to ascii format | !!ascii [word] | !!ascii HI | - |
PP | Welp you know that command no need to explain | !!pp [Mention or ID] | !!pp @Blobby | - |
Rps | Plays Rock paper scissor with the bot | !!rps [Rock / Paper / Scissor] | !!rps rock | - |
Coinflip | Flips a coin for you | !!coinflip | !!coinflip | toss |
Roll | Rolls die for you | !!roll | !!roll | dice |
Trumptweet | Converts you text to trump's tweet lol | !!trumptweet [message] | !!trumptweet Hi | tt |
Tictactoe | To play tic tac toe with the mentioned user | !!tictactoe [user] | !!tictactoe @Blobby | ttt |
Gayrate | Gets in the gayrate of the provided user | !!gayrate [user] | !!gayrate @Blobby | - |
Lesbianrate | Gets the lesbianrate of the provided user | !!lesbianrate [user] | !!lesbianrate @Dinav | lr |
Simprate | Gets the simprate of the provided user | !!simprate [user] | !!simprate @Blobby | simp |
Emojify | Emojifies you text | !!emojify [text] | !!emojify hi | emoji |
Petemoji | Pets an emoji that you need (it only pets custom emojis) | !!petemoji [emoji] | !!pet emoji :lol: | emojipet |
Name | Description | Usage | Example | Aliases |
Avatar | Give the avatar of the mentioned user or the ID provided | !!avatar [Mention or ID] | !!avatar @Blobby | av, pfp |
Covid | Gives the covid 19 status of a country | !!covid [country name] | !!covid Canada | corona, rona |
Say | Bot repeats whatever you say | !!say [Something] | !!say HI | tell |
Urban | Give the meaning of a word or a phrase using urban dictionary | !!urban [Word] | !!urban cool | - |
Weather | Gives the weather info of the provided location | !!weather [Location] | !!weather Alberta | - |
Youtube | Searches youtube for you | !!youtube [query] | !!youtube closer | yt |
Embed | Echos your message in embed | !!embed [text] | !!embed Hi | - |
Translate | Translates your word to the provided language | !!translate [language that you need the meaning] [Word] | !!translate spanish Hi | t |
Movie | Gived the info of the provided movie | !!movie [movie name] | !!movie avengers endgame | - |
Google anything | !!google [query] | !!google YouTube | - | |
Poll | Starts a poll | !!poll [text] | !!poll Am I great ? | - |
Linkshorten | Shorten the given link to formate | !!linkshorten [link] [name of the title] | !!linkshorten yt | shorten |
Enlarge | Enlarges the given emoji | !!enlarge [Emoji] | !!enlarge 😂 | - |
Name | Description | Usage | Example | Aliases |
Meme | Sends a random meme from reddit | !!meme | !!meme | - |
Waifu | Send a random waifu pic | !!waifu | !!waify | - |
Gay | Send the provided user's avatar in gay theme | !!gay [user] | !!gay @Blobby | - |
Invert | Send the provided user's avatar in inverted filter | !!invert [user] | !!invert @Blobby | - |
Blur | Send the provided user's avatar in blur filter | !!blur [user] | !!blur @Blobby | - |
Criminal | Send the provided user's avatar in news headlines lol | !!criminal [user] | !!criminal @Blobby | - |
Affect | Send the user's avatar in affect my baby meme | !!affect [user] | !!affect @Blobby | - |
Stonk | Send the user's avatar in stonks meme | !!stonk [user] | !!stonk @Blobby | - |
Nostonk | Send the user's avatar in no stonks meme | !!nostonk [user] | !!nostonk @Blobby | notstonk |
Trigger | Send the user's avatar in triggered !! | !!trigger [user] | !!trigger @DBlobby | triggered |
Jail | Send the user's avatar in jail | !!jail [user] | !!jail @Blobby | - |
Bonk | Bonks the user | !!bonk [user] | !!bonk @Blobby | - |
Slap | Slaps the user | !!slap [user] | !!slap @Blobby | - |
Spank | Spanks the user | !!spank [user] | !!spank @Blobby | - |
Kiss | Kisses the user | !!kiss [user] | !!kiss @Blobby | - |
Wanted | Put the user in the wanted meme | !!wanted [user] | !!wanted @Blobby | - |
Pet | Pets the avatar of the user | !!pet [user] | !!pet @Blobby | - |
Name | Description | Usage | Example | Aliases |
Dog | Sends a random doggo pic | !!dog | !!dog | doggy, doggo |
Fox | Sends a random fox pic | !!fox | !!fox | - |
Bird | Sends a random bird pic | !!bird | !!bird | - |
Cat | Sends a random cat pic | !!cat | !!cat | - |
Panda | Sends a random panda pic | !!panda | !!panda | - |
Koala | Sends a random koala pic | !!koala | !!koala | - |
Shibe | Sends a random shibe pic | !!shibe | !!shibe | - |
Redpanda | Sends a ransom red panda pic | !!redpanda | !!redpanda | - |
Kangaroo | Sends a random kangaroo pic | !!kangaroo | !!kangaroo | - |
Racoon | Sends a random rancoon pic | !!racoon | !!racoon | - |
Catfact | Gives a random cat fact | !!catfact | !!catfact | cf |
Dogfact | Gives a random dog fact | !!dogfact | !!dogfact | df |
Foxfact | Gives a random fox fact | !!foxfact | !!foxfact | ff |
Pandafact | Gives a random panda fact | !!pandafact | !!pandafact | pf |
Birdfact | Gives a random bird fact | !!birdfact | !!birdfact | bf |
Name | Description | Usage | Example | Aliases |
Help | Gives all the commands I have also the detailed explanation of a command | !!help or !!help [command name] | !!help meme | h, assist |
Serverinfo | Gives the server information of the messaged server | !!serverinfo | !!serverinfo | si, server |
Botinfo | Gives the information of the bot | !!botinfo | !!botinfo | bot, info, stats |
Whois | Gives the information of the user which is mentioned or provided ID | !!userinfo [Mention or ID] | !!userinfo @Blobby | ui, userinfo |
Ping | Gives the latency and API latency of the bot | !!ping | !!ping | ms, latency |
Uptime | Gives the uptime of the bot | !!uptime | !!uptime | ut |
Channelinfo | Gives the info of the provided channel | !!channel info [channel] | !!channelinfo #general | channel |
Roleinfo | Gives the info of the provided role or role id | !!roleinfo [role] | !!roleinfo @Mod | role |
Systeminfo | Gives the system information like ram and stuff like that | !!systeminfo | !!systeminfo | system |
Policy | To see our privacy policy | !!policy | !!policy | privacy policy |
Name | Description | Usage | Exampe | Aliases |
Invite | Gets the bot's invite link | !!invite | !!invite | - |
Support | Gets the bot's support servr | !!support | !!support | server |