Hello @James-Thorson-NOAA and @Alessandra-Gentile, I am wondering whether there has been any update on this as I am also encountering an issue incorporating both static and dynamic covariates. To quickly...
Hi @James-Thorson-NOAA , thanks for the response. So I did try what you suggested but ran into some issues and also have a few concerns. For reference, I am running...
As a quick follow up I just ran the same model formulation except with different covariate X1_formula and X2_formula, and was able to get the model to converge very quickly...
Hi @Rcaini , I have encountered the same error while working on a NOAA server. I just reinstalled INLA but the problem persists. Did you ever reach a resolution with...
Hi @James-Thorson-NOAA. It looks there are a bunch of fmesher files in the folder but not the one that my error is for nor the .exe file. I received the...
I may have resolved this problem. It looks like rolling back to R version 4.1.3 worked. I was able to successfully move past "Making TMB object" with the following R...
I recently had a few nasty compatibility issues that were tough to move past. I thought they were related to INLA and the version of R I was using. What...
I am updating this issue based on what Jim and I found through exploring a minimal example. In short, we were able to identify the version of the package 'sp'...
Hi everyone, As a quick follow up, I was also trying the above method to change the lower bound for logkappa and I think that it needs to be entered...
Hi Jim, I just ran the code in the install TMB link and confirmed that TMB is working. Do you think I need a different version of the Matrix package?...