Toast copied to clipboard
A JavaScript free toast library for Blazor and Razor Component applications
Blazored Toast
This is a JavaScript free toast implementation for Blazor and Razor Components applications. It supports icons that are either specified by class name (such as fontawesome) or by a specified element (Material Design).
Getting Setup
You can install the package via the NuGet package manager just search for Blazored.Toast. You can also install via powershell using the following command.
Install-Package Blazored.Toast
Or via the dotnet CLI.
dotnet add package Blazored.Toast
1. Register Services
You will need to register the Blazored Toast service in your application
Blazor Server
Add the following line to your applications Startup.ConfigureServices
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
Blazor WebAssembly
Add the following line to your applications Program.Main
2. Add Imports
Add the following to your _Imports.razor
@using Blazored.Toast
@using Blazored.Toast.Services
3. Register and Configure Toasts Component
Add the <BlazoredToasts />
tag into your applications MainLayout.razor.
Toasts are configured using parameters on the <BlazoredToasts />
component. The following options are available.
- InfoClass
- InfoIcon
- SuccessClass
- SuccessIcon
- WarningClass
- WarningIcon
- ErrorClass
- ErrorIcon
- IconType (Default: IconType.FontAwesome)
- Position (Default: ToastPosition.TopRight)
- Timeout (Default: 5)
- ShowProgressBar (Default: false)
- ShowCloseButton (Default: true)
- CloseButtonContent (provide custom close button)
- MaxToastCount (Default:
By default, you don't need to provide any settings everything will just work. But if you want to add icons to toasts or override the default styling then you can use the options above to do that.
For example, to add an icon from Font Awesome to all success toasts you can do the following.
<BlazoredToasts SuccessIcon="fa fa-thumbs-up"/>
Setting the position also requires a reference to Blazored.Toast.Configuration
, for example:
@using Blazored.Toast.Configuration
<BlazoredToasts Position="ToastPosition.BottomRight"
SuccessIcon="fa fa-thumbs-up"
ErrorIcon="fa fa-bug" />
The example above is from the client side samples.
<BlazoredToasts Position="ToastPosition.BottomRight"
WarningIcon="warning" />
The example above is from the server side samples and demonstrates the use of Material Design icons.
If you want to have your own custom close button:
<BlazoredToasts Position="ToastPosition.BottomRight"
4. Add reference to style sheet(s)
Add the following line to the head
tag of your _Host.cshtml
(Blazor Server app) or index.html
(Blazor WebAssembly).
The blazored-toast.css includes the open-iconic-bootstrap.min.css.
We ship both minified and unminified CSS.
For minifed use:
<link href="_content/Blazored.Toast/blazored-toast.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
For unminifed use:
<link href="_content/Blazored.Toast/blazored-toast.css" rel="stylesheet" />
Presumably, if you want to use the Material Icons your project already includes some form of the icons. If not see Material Design Icons for the available alternatives.
In order to show a toast you have to inject the IToastService
into the component or service you want to trigger a toast. You can then call one of the following methods depending on what kind of toast you want to display, passing in a message and an optional heading.
@page "/toastdemo"
@inject IToastService toastService
<h1>Toast Demo</h1>
To show a toast just click one of the buttons below.
<button class="btn btn-info" @onclick="@(() => toastService.ShowInfo("I'm an INFO message"))">Info Toast</button>
<button class="btn btn-success" @onclick="@(() => toastService.ShowSuccess("I'm a SUCCESS message with a custom title", "Congratulations!"))">Success Toast</button>
<button class="btn btn-warning" @onclick="@(() => toastService.ShowWarning("I'm a WARNING message"))">Warning Toast</button>
<button class="btn btn-danger" @onclick="@(() => toastService.ShowError("I'm an ERROR message"))">Error Toast</button>
Show Progress Bar
You can display a progress bar which gives a visual indicator of the time remaining before the toast will disappear. In order to show the progress bar set the ShowProgressBar
parameter to true.
<BlazoredToasts Position="ToastPosition.BottomRight"
ShowProgressBar="true" />
Remove Toasts When Navigating
If you wish to clear any visible toasts when the user navigates to a new page you can enable the RemoveToastsOnNavigation
parameter. Setting this to true will remove any visible toasts whenever the LocationChanged
event fires.
Limiting number of toasts shown at once
If you want to limit the number of toasts displayed at any given time, you can set the MaxToastCount
parameter. For example, if the value is set to 3 only three toast instances will be displayed. Any additional toasts that are triggered will be held in a queue and will be displayed as older toasts time out.
Custom Component
You can call the ShowToast
method passing the type of component you want the toast to display.
For example if I have a component called MyToast
which I want to display in the toast and I want to call it from the Index
component on a button cick.
@page "/toastdemo"
@inject IToastService toastService
<h1>Custom Toast Demo</h1>
<button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="@(() => toastService.ShowToast<MyToast>())">Custom Toast</button>
Passing Parameters
If you want to pass values to the component you're displaying in the toast, then you can use the ToastParameters
object. The name you provide must match the name of a parameter defined on the component being displayed.
@page "/toastdemo"
@inject IToastService toastService
<h1>Custom Toast Demo</h1>
<button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="@(() => toastService.ShowToast<MyToast>(_toastParameters))">Custom Toast with parameters</button>
private ToastParameters _toastParameters;
protected override void OnInitialized()
_toastParameters = new ToastParameters();
_toastParameters.Add(nameof(MyToast.Heading), "MyToast heading");
_toastParameters.Add(nameof(MyToast.Message), "MyToast message");
Custom Component Options
Custom toast components can be customized. These settings can be set globally or changed programatically on a per toast basis. This is achieved using the ToastInstanceSettings
The following settings are available.
For Example if you want to change the duration of the timeout and disable the progress bar.
@page "/toastdemo"
@inject IToastService toastService
<h1>Custom Toast Demo</h1>
<button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="@(() => toastService.ShowToast<MyToast>(new ToastInstanceSettings(5, false)))">Custom Toast</button>
Full examples for client and server-side Blazor are included in the samples.
The toasts are not showing
- Check the
of your otherDOM Elements
, make sure that the.blazored-toast-container
has a higherz-index
than the other components.
I upgraded my version of Blazored Toasts and I have errors in my razor file where I declare the BlazoredToasts component.
- The parameter IconType is a mandatory parameter. An exception will be thrown if any icon is specified.
- Check the icon parameter names if you have upgraded from a version prior to 2.0.10. Previous to this version the icons supported were specified by class and the parameters were of the form SuccessIconClass. With the addition of Material icon support the parameter form is now simply SuccessIcon.