Write documentation for - Load Data - Single Cell Datasets
Add marker genes from [CD Marker Handbook]( For now, include only those with positive relation between expression and cell type.
It would help if Cluster Analysis would arrange genes in the order of selected clusters and differential expression scores. That is, if say select say first three clusters, the order...
This issue is related to PR, which enables saving and loading of compressed pickle files. Once this is merged into Orange and released, I propose to: - move all...
Split the widget to Normalize and Remove Batch Effects. Currently only model-based batch effect removal will be supported, but we should add canonical correlation analysis-based batch effect removal as well....
What is the typical spareness of the scRNA data sets? Which Orange widgets essential to scOrange work with sparse matrices? What are memory gains and speed limitations?
In Preprocess Text, I suggest using thousands separators when reporting a number of tokens. 
In topic modeling, the numerical precision for reporting topic scores seems excessive, but two numbers after a decimal separator might be sufficient.