**What's wrong?** Box Plot can sort features according to the relevance to subgroups. The score for ordering is the p-value of corresponding statistics, this either being t-test, ANOVA, or chi-square....
**What's wrong?** A nice feature of Orange is a shortcut to open data files by dragging the file to the Orange canvas. This places a File widget on a canvas,...
**What's wrong?** When using the Test and Score widget to report accuracy for a target class, the accuracies (AUC, CA, and precision, at least) are wrong. I have observed this...
It would be great if Hierarchical Clustering could show a subset of data. Say, I find some data instances in t-SNE plot, and I would like to know if they...
Use the new Hugo website and prepare the blogs for the following three showcases - multi-sample loader - markers and subpopulations - clustering and t-SNE Change the workflows of these...
Dot matrix should handle data that includes negative values. Shift gene expression (columns) to 0 (add -min(col)).
Write documentation for the following widgets: - Batch Effect Removal - Single Cell Preprocess
Write documentation for the following widgets: - Marker Genes - Score Cells
Write documentation for the following widgets: - Score Genes
Write documentation for the following widgets: - Filter - Single Cell Preprocess