Blank-Grabber icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Blank-Grabber copied to clipboard

The most powerful stealer written in Python 3 and packed with a lot of features.

Blank Grabber

Table of Contents

  • Download
  • Features
  • Builder Config
  • Requirements
  • How to Build?
  • To-Do/Enhancements
  • Frequently Asked Questions



Note: This tool is for "educational" purpose only, and I am not responsible for any damage caused by this product in any way!


• GUI Builder.
• Lightweight And Small Stub Size.
• UAC Bypass.
• Runs On Startup.
• Disables Windows Defender and Firewall.
• Anti-VM.
• Hide Itself.
• Better Obfuscation.
• Anti-Unpacking Technique.
• Anti-UPX Detection by YARA.
• Anti-Pyinstaller Detection by YARA.
• Grabs Discord Tokens.
• Grabs Passwords from most browsers.
• Grabs Chrome Cookies.
• Grabs Minecraft Session.
• Grabs Roblox Cookies.
• Grabs IP Information.
• Grabs System Info.
• Grabs Saved Wifi Passwords
• Captures Screenshot.
• Captures Webcam Image (experimental).
• Sends All Data Through Discord Webhooks.

Builder Config

Option Description
Ping Me Pings @everyone when someone runs the stub.
VM Protect Does its best to prevent running in Virtual Machine.
BSOD Triggers Blue Screen of Death when ran on Virtual Machine.
Startup Runs the stub on Windows starup.
Hide Hide the stub when someone runs it.

Supports: Windows 10


To build the stub, you need:

  • Windows 10.
  • Python 3.
  • An active internet connection.

How to Build?

If you literally have no idea how to build it.

  1. Download and install Python 3. (Make sure to enable the Add to PATH option.)
  2. Verify the installation by executing python --version in CMD.
  3. Download Blank Grabber.
  4. Extract the zip file.
  5. Navigate to the Blank Grabber folder and double click Build.vbs file.
  6. Fill in the fields of the builder and press the Build button.


  • [x] Grab saved WIFI passwords.
  • [x] Add an icon selector for builder.
  • [ ] Fake "Not Working" pop up.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the approximate stub size after building?
  • Can my webhook get leaked?
  • How can I contact you?

What is the stub size after building?

The size of the stub depends on your system. For most of the systems, its < 8mb.

Can my webhook get leaked?

There is a very low chance that your webhook is going to be found.

How can I contact you?

You can contact me via Discord.