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dotenv like easy loading of environment variables in Elixir
## Motivation When working with an umbrella project and performing `Envy.reload_config/0` we got an exception because umbrella projects define their configuration at the root path instead of hardcoded `config/config.exs`. ##...
## Overview This PR ensures that existing environment variables take priority over those inside the `.env` file, this allows us to override the `.env` file values with command line values,...
I placed section ``` unless Mix.env() == :prod do Envy.auto_load() end ``` to `lib/app/application.ex` and it does not work (I have `System.get_env("DB_USER", "postgres")` in `config/dev.exs`)
Hey there~ I ran into an issue with dialyzer using `Mix.env` to control loading the .env file like so: ``` if Mix.env() == :dev do Envy.auto_load() Envy.reload_config() end ``` Dialyzer...
While installing envy, I get the following errors: ``` warning: Mix.Config.read!/1 is deprecated. Use eval!/2 instead lib/envy.ex:54 warning: String.strip/1 is deprecated. Use String.trim/1 instead lib/envy.ex:74 ```
How can I store multiple words in one variable?
In both node and ruby dotenv, it does not overwrite environment variables that are already set: * https://github.com/bkeepers/dotenv#why-is-it-not-overriding-existing-env-variables * https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv#what-happens-to-environment-variables-that-were-already-set This library should emulate that expectation.
Hi! I install and setup envy im my app. If i run my app with iex or elixir comand this work fine, but if i try use `mix ecto` comands...
env files should not override existing environment variables. added an option `override_existing` which is defaults to false (so it does not introduce a breaking change)
We have an app that uses env vars, and when we add a new one, we add it to `.sample.env`. We obviously can't add it to `.env`. It'd be useful...