NSPanel_HA_Blueprint copied to clipboard
Display timer value on entities
Hi, i have two laundry timers setup in Home Assistant, which i can start by pressing the right button of the NSPanel which then does trigger an Automation which starts the pre-configured Timer. On the Web-Interface i can see, that the timer has started and the 1hour 33minutes counts down.
I setup the Blueprint, so that the Timer-Entity is displayed in Sensors-Page, but it only shows me "idle" and switches to "active" if the timer has started.
How is it possible to display the remaing time instead? A simple countdown of the minutes would be fine.
Originally posted by @iamthe1st in https://github.com/Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint/discussions/1760
A very similar topic was discussed here: esphome-ha-timer-helper-on-display
I have found an "easy solution" in this link above I added an Sensor in my configuration.yaml:
- sensor: - name: "countdownwaeschekurz" state: >- {% set f = state_attr('timer.waesche_kurz', 'finishes_at') %} {{ '00:00:00' if f == None else (as_datetime(f) - now()).total_seconds() | timestamp_custom('%H:%M:%S', false) }}
This Sensor-Entity contains an String with the remaining time, like "01:29:20" I will add this to my NSPanel on the entities page - then i can see how long the washing mashine will need to finish :-D
To be solved together:
- #1131
- #1772