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Trading Quest Points for items?
Hi, First off, Amazing work on the plugin i absolutely love how customizeable and easy to use it is!
But i have one question, What's the quest points for? I'm wondering if there's a way to trade Quest points for items? Through either sign shop or command signs. I've tried using command signs, Example: /questadmin takepoints @player 200 and then /give @player diamond but it just keeps taking quest points and puts u into the negatives.
Do u know if there's a way to trade the points for items / execute a command and take points from player
I would appreciate a further use of the questpoints too. As so far it's only used for requirements of other quests. ( I found no other use as this.)
I think, if questpoints get tradable direct exhange to items isn't the best option? Maybe as a delivery item option? So we could make tournament points out of them - and then get items from it, instead of trading directly. (Like these reputation/medaillion things in WoW.)
Great idea! Points are simply for the Leaderboard at this time. While I am unsure whether or not an addon or external plugin would better handle this, I will mark this as an enhancement for once the larger bugs have been fixed and the aforementioned decision has been made.
FYI you should be able to do this using Denizen scripts, I think, which is my current plan for implementation. These 5 tags exist:
[email protected], [email protected]_names, [email protected]_names, [email protected], [email protected]