M5Stack-LoRaWAN-Network-Tester copied to clipboard
A LoRaWAN Network Tester based on the M5Stack, compatible with TTN
A LoRaWAN Network Tester based on the M5Stack, compatible with TTN (The Things Network) This version is for the LoRaWAN module (EOL).
Version for COM.LoRaWAN Module
The tester is designed to work with the following hardware:
- M5Core (Basic, Gray or Fire)
- M5Go Base (optional)
- M5Stack GPS Module or Mini GPS/BDS Unit (optional)
- M5Stack LoRaWAN Module (Firmware 2.1.19 mandatory for OTAA)
Required Libraries!
- M5Stack
- TinyGPSPlus
- NeoPixelBus
- M5_UI - this Fork enables TTN Mapper like colours for RSSI values in the progressbar
- Seeeduino LoRaWan (Already included, patched and bugfixed)
Installation and Configuration
Upload this sketch to your M5 using the Arduino IDE. M5Stack Fire users have to disable PSRAM, because it will interfer with UART2. UART2 with GPIO 16 and 17 willbe used for the GPS module and UART1 with GPIO 2 and 5 for the LoRaWAN module. Last can be changed in LoRaWan.cpp The UART Port on the LoRaWAN module has to be changed (solderpads) to use this ports.
Serial ports declaration
#define SerialLoRa Serial1
- To be used with GPS module and changed UART port on LoRaWAN module
#define SerialLoRa Serial2
- To be used without GPS module and unchanged UART port on LoRaWAN module
SerialLoRa.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, 2, 5);
- To be used with GPS module and changed UART port on LoRaWAN module
SerialLoRa.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, 16, 17);
- To be used without GPS module and unchanged UART port on LoRaWAN module
By commenting out #define M5go it is possible to disable the M5GO Base. This will disable all NeoPixel related code and features. By commenting out #define M5gps ist is possible to disable the M5GPS module. This will disable all GPS related code and features.
Replace the original files LoraWan.h and LoRaWan.cpp delivered by the M5Stack Library under M5Stack/src with the ones in the src directory. Delete the src directory afterwards or move it.
Change the your TTN keys in initlora() funtion of the networktester.ino file. They are filled in as is from the TTN console. If you want yo use OTAA you have to register a second device for your application.
Payload Decoder for TTN (also compatible with TTN Mapper integration):
function Decoder(b, port) {
var lat = (b[0] | b[1]<<8 | b[2]<<16 | (b[2] & 0x80 ? 0xFF<<24 : 0)) / 10000;
var lon = (b[3] | b[4]<<8 | b[5]<<16 | (b[5] & 0x80 ? 0xFF<<24 : 0)) / 10000;
var alt = (b[6] | b[7]<<8 | (b[7] & 0x80 ? 0xFF<<16 : 0)) / 100;
var hdop = b[8] / 10;
return {
latitude: lat,
longitude: lon,
altitude: alt,
hdop: hdop
Instructions for Use
On boot you will be presented with the "Boot-Logo" followed by the first working mode. At the moment the tester has 7 modes to select:
You can move between menu items by pushing the button A.
(No Acknowladge)
"NACK" is a mode that utlises the current device settings to perform periodic transmissions. "NACK" mode is great for use with TTN Mapper.
Pushing button B will let you cycle through each spreadfactor. By pushig button C the display and LEDs will be turned off. Pushing button C again will turn them on.
"ACK" will perform the same test as NACK but it will request an ACK for every transmission. The RSSI and SNR values of the received packet will be shown on the display. Pushing button B will let you cycle through each spreadfactor. By pushig button C the display and LEDs will be turned off. Pushing button C again will turn them on.
"MAN" will send a LoRaWAN packet with ACK by pushing button C. Pushing button B will let you cycle through each spreadfactor.
"LCM" is a mode that will trigger a LinkCheckRequest. The TTN backend will report back the number of gateways which received the request. Pushing button B will let you cycle through each spreadfactor. The request is triggered by button C.
"SSV" is supposed as mode for testing a location. During SSV mode the DutyCycle check will be disabled an the Node will send a LinkCheckRequest for every spreadfactor from SF7 to SF12. After the test the node will show you on which datarates a ACK was received back. The data is also stored on the SD card in GeoJSON format an could be analyzed with geojson.io
"OTAA" enables the tester to perform OTAA-Joins. By selecting Join the tester will try to join the TTN Network. After an successful the the tester will start with periodic transmissions. You have the choice between transmission with or without ACK. The RSSI and SNR values of the received packet will be shown on the display. If there is no valid GPS fix, a packet can by manually send by pushing button B. Firmware version 2.1.19 of the LoRaWAN module is mandatory for OTAA to work.
"SET" allows to change the transmission intervall in NACK or ACK mode. Possible settings are 15/30/45/60/120 seconds. Pressing button C will active the powersaving mode. The node will go to deep sleep and wakes up according to the transmission intervall. Sleep mode can only be stopped by resetting the devicde.
- The DutyCycle check ist activated except for the SSV mode.
- If you have a valid GPS fix the GPS track will be written to the SD card as a GPX file.
- Periodic transmission will only work with a valid GPS fix and an GPS age below 2 seconds
- Replace drawBitmap by pushImage for corrected colours
- Add Beep to ACK Mode
- reset counters if no ACK received
- Reset RSSI, SNR and No of GWs values on change of mode
- Enable ESP32 Deep Sleep mode
- Allign packet counter to TTN console
- Fix OTAA join, caused by Duty Cycle limitation
- Improve status information
- Add the possability to use the tester without M5GO Base and/or GPS module.
- Add LowPower mode for LoRaWAN module
- improve SF selection, ADR, and Duty Cycle check
- inform about Duty Cycle restriction in NACK and LCR mode
- Enforce Duty Cycle check
- Fix SF selection and ADR for ACK and MAN mode
- Fix SF selection and ADR for NACK mode
- Add OTAA support
- Move gpsupdate task to core 0
- improve gspupdate task
- fix typos
- switch to M5.Power library
- create tasks for M5UI
- improve powersave features (GPS module)