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site for discussing profiles design

``Profiles'' -- What we need

What do we need to make “profiles” an industry-wide tool for the variety of C++ safety needs? Profiles is a framework. Many parts have to be created and fitted in to enable widespread use. Much has been done, but relatively little is widely available. This is a wish list. Please help in whichever capacity you can. Remember, you have to give a rationale. You cannot assume that others will appreciate your suggestion or design without seeing your reasoning.


  • Set of profiles – what profiles do we need? which should be part of an initial set? Which should be standardized? Which should be defined as unions of other profiles?

  • How do we specify a profile? As a set of guarantees; not, simply as a set of detailed rules. We need examples of profiles: both the set of guarantees and an initial set of detailed rules for delivering those guarantees.

  • The Core Guidelines has been our initial proving ground for rules for good (and often safe C++ code). We need more rules and rules taking advantage of C++20 and C++23. Individual suggestions can be made directly on the CG GitHub, but larger sets of suggestions and suggestions directly related to profiles belong here.

  • Comments/analysis on how various compilers could accommodate profiles.

  • Comments/analysis on how various static analyzers could accommodate profiles.

  • Names of individuals and groups working on profiles and similar projects.

The Profiles github is
