NerdMiner_v2 copied to clipboard
Display configured bitcoin address in a nerdminer screen
It would be nice if it was possible to see the bitcoin address (or at leas the begnining and end of it) configured in nerdminer in any of the screens, so one can check what is the address it is mining for in case of need, without having to connect to the AP.
Maybe it could go in a new screen that shows the current config (the Wifi Name, timezone, BTC address).
Thanks for this great project.
Hello! You shall be opening feature requests under Please think about that next time.
If you need to verify your BTC address, I would open e.g.<yourBTCaddress> (or any other pool you are using) and you will not only see it is configured but you will also see it is running. Not sure why it should be checked without WIFI connection as without WIFI connection Nerd Miner doesn't make sense and also with current implementation starts AP mode so you can connect your phone to it an configure. You can already check without WIFI connection now, during WIFI configuration.
If BTC should be shown, I would choose QR code if possible.
Did I get your point well?
PS: I am not (yet) developer of Nerd Miner.